PYLE Audio Car Video System PLRDVD10 User Manual

10.4" TFT-LCD Flip-Down Monitor  
with Built-in DVD Player  
Operation Manual  
Table of Contents  
Welcome! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2  
Precautions --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3  
Where to Install -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4  
Installation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5  
Setting Up Dome Lamps ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6  
Monitor Section -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7  
OSD menu --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8  
DVD Section ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9  
Remote Control --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10  
Connection Diagram -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12  
10.4” TFT-LCD Flip-Down Monitor  
with Built-in DVD Player  
Additional Information  
Troubleshooting --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------13  
Specifications ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14  
Welcom e!  
Th an k you for pu rch asin g th e 10.4” flip-down TFT-LCD Mon itor with DVD Player. For  
Maxim u m en joym en t an d prolon ged life of th e DVD player, we stron gly recom m en d  
th at you read th e in stru ction m an u al carefu lly before attem ptin g to operate th e u n it.  
Please store th is m an u al in a safe place for fu tu re referen ce.  
Digital Video Discs is th e best sou rce of m ovies for you r life. Th e latest digital  
tech n ology allows com pression of an en tire m ovie on to on e disc. Provide greater pictu re  
clarity an d sou n d fidelity of an y video player on th e m arket.  
You can select PAL or NTSC color system .  
In addition to n orm al screen m ode, fu ll screen an d zoom screen m odes are also  
Th e low reflection liqu id crystal pan el redu ces th e glare from ou tside ligh tin g  
sou rces.  
You can m an u ally adju st th e brigh tn ess of th e display accordin g to th e prevailin g  
ligh t con dition s of th e su rrou n din gs.  
Th e backligh tin g con trol produ ces sh arp con trast im ages free from reversed or  
blu rred colors.  
Th is u n it h as 1 Au dio/ Video in pu t, 1 Au dio/ Video ou tpu t, for con n ection addition al  
m on itor an d IR tran sm itter of IR wireless h eadph on e.  
You can u se wired h eadph on es an d in frared wireless h eadph on es with th is u n it.  
Precau t ion s  
To avoid th e risk of seriou s in ju ry or acciden t, read th e followin g precau tion s before  
in stallin g an d operation th e u n it.  
On Safet y  
Com ply with you r local traffic ru les an d regu lation .  
Wh ile drivin g  
Th e driver m u st n ot watch or operate th e m on itor. It m ay lead to distraction an d  
cau se an acciden t.  
Th e driver m u st n ot u se th e h eadph on es. It m ay lead to distraction an d cau se  
an acciden t.  
Park th e car in a safe place wh en th e driver watch an d operate th e m on itor, or u se  
h eadph on es.  
Wh en operatin g  
Do n ot h an g on to th e m on itor.  
Do n ot in sert you r h an ds, fin gers or foreign objects in to th e u n it wh ile th e  
m on itor is fu n ction in g. It m ay cau se in ju ry or dam age to th e u n it.  
Take care n ot to bu m p you r h ead again st th e u n it wh en gettin g u p from th e  
back seat.  
Keep sm all articles ou t of th e reach of ch ildren .  
On In st allat ion  
In stallin g th is u n it requ ires tech n ical expertise. Th is u n it sh ou ld be in stalled by  
qu alified tech n ician or service person n el.  
If you try to in stall th is u n it by you rself, do it properly, referrin g to th e in stallation  
an d wirin g diagram s in th is operation m an u al. Im proper in stallation m ay resu lt in a  
fire or an electric sh ock.  
Before in stallation , be su re to tu rn th e ign ition switch to th e OFF position or take  
th e key ou t. In stallin g th is u n it with th e ign ition on m ay cau se battery drain or a  
sh ort circu it.  
Do n ot dam age an y pipes, tu bes, th e fu el tan k or electric wirin g wh en in stallin g th is  
u n it. Th is can cau se a fire. If you drill a h ole in car pan els, m ake su re th at an y  
h idden car parts will n ot be dam aged.  
Do n ot u se an y n u ts or bolts for safety devices su ch as steerin g lin kage, fu el su pply  
or brakin g system s. Th is can cau se a fire or an acciden t.  
Wh ere t o In st all  
Before in stallin g th is u n it, please ch eck you r local traffic ru les an d regu lation s. Follow  
th e diagram below to in stall th is u n it in a su itable position in you r car.  
Do n ot in stall th is u n it wh ere:  
It will obstru ct th e drivers view wh en th e m on itor is in eith er th e open or closed  
position .  
It will obstru ct th e operation of th e airbag system .  
It will obstru ct th e operation of th e veh icle, especially th e steerin g wh eel, sh ift lever,  
or brake pedal.  
A driver or passen gers m ay in ju re th em selves wh en gettin g in to or ou t of th e car.  
In st allat ion  
Roof-m ou n t In stallation / In stallation on ceilin g  
to open the Display Monitor  
Set t in g Up Dom e Lam ps  
*Operatin g th e dom e  
Th ere are th ere fu n ction bu tton s for th e Dom e lam ps operation : OFF, DOOR, an d  
ON. (Refer to th e followin g figu re)  
A. OFF: To tu rn off th e lam ps.  
B. DOOR: To m ake th e lam ps tu rn ed on on ly wh en car doors are open ed.  
C. ON: To tu rn on th e lam ps.  
*Th e electric circu it figu re  
Poin t  
Power Cord Color  
Con n ect ion  
Con n ect in g wit h Power Su pply  
Con n ect in g wit h Sen sor of Car Doors  
For Grou n d Con n ect ion  
Wh it e  
Rem arks:  
1. Th ere is n o wirin g con n ection n ecessary at “ B “ poin t as “ B “ h as been  
con n ected wh en th e m etal bracket is screwed in .  
2. On ly u se 12 Volt DC power.  
IR Sen sor  
Mu te  
* Qu ick Adju st m en t OSD Men u s  
1. press “ MENU” bu tton , to open th e MAIN MENU, u sin g  
“ +  
“ or “ - “ bu tton s to select OSD fu n ction s.  
2. In order to select desire option s, it is n ecessary to press MENU”  
Again to en ter each m ode, th en u se” + / - “ to in crease or decrease  
Param eters as well.  
3. Press “ + “ or “ - “ bu tton directly to adju st speaker volu m e  
3. Selectin g “ EXIT” m ode will store you r selected param eter an d leave OSD  
Men u s.  
To operate DVD by pressin g th e bu tton s on fron t pan el:  
Eject: Ejectin g a Disc, Press (EJ ECT) bu tton to eject th e disc  
Stop: Stoppin g Play, Press th e (STOP) bu tton to stop th e u n it playback, wh en you  
press th e (PLAY) bu tton it will con tin u ou s n orm al playback. Press th e (STOP)  
bu tton twice, it will stop th e playback an d go back to in itial Track/ Ch apter.  
Play/ Pau se: Press on ce to pau se a play, press again to resu m e or con tin u ou s  
Power: Press th e (POWER) Bu tton , In sert th e disc with prin ted side facin g u p in to  
th e disc slot, Th e player starts playback au tom atically.  
Reverse: Press (REW) to reverse rapidly.  
Forward: Press (FF) to forward rapidly.  
To Operat e DVD by Rem ot e Con t rol  
1. OPEN/ CLOSE: Open or close disc tray.  
2. PLAY: Press on e tim e to play.  
3. PAUSE: Press on e tim e to stop  
4. POWER: To tu rn th e u n it ON or OFF.  
5. MENU: En ter to m en u playback.  
6. TIMER: Tim e in dication  
7. 0-9: Ch oose n u m ber key  
8. REPEAT: Repeat playin g th e cu rren t ch apter.  
9. RETURN: Retu rn to disc m en u playback.  
10. FWD/ RFV: Press FWD to start forward rapidly & RFV to reverse rapidly.  
11. DISPLAY: Display statistical disc in form ation du rin g playback.  
12. ZOOM: En large th e pictu re  
13. SETUP: Men u setu p.  
14. TITLE: Display th e TITLE m en u th at is stored in DVD disc.  
15. ENTER: Con firm th e Track/ Ch apter selected with th e n u m ber key or selected  
with th e cu rsor bu tton s on screen .  
16. UP: To adju st volu m e, u sin g FUNC togeth er can adju st th e oth er fu n ction s.  
17. DOWN: To adju st volu m e, u sin g FUNC togeth er can adju st th e oth er fu n ction s  
18. FUNC: Display th e root m en u th at is stored on th e Mon itor.  
19. MODE: Switch video in pu t AV1/ AV2  
20. VOL+: rise cu rren t volu m e  
21. VOL-: debase cu rren t volu m e  
22. MUTE: Tu rn off sou n d.  
23. DIRECTION KEY: Rem ove cu rsor direction .  
24. FORMAT: Switch video ou tpu t PAL/ NTSC.  
25. PREV/ NEXT: Press NEXT to skip to th e n ext track & PREV to skip back on e  
26. BOOKMARK: Mem ory play  
27. A-B: Setu p repeat play segm en t.  
28. AUDIO: Ch an gin g of th e AUDIO sou n dtrack on m u lti-au dio sou n dtrack DVD  
29. SUBTITLE: Select su btitle of disc su pply or can cel su btitle.  
30. ANGLE: Ch an gin g of th e view an gle on m u lti-an gle DVD disc.  
31. LANGUAGE: Ch oose differen t ou tpu t lan gu age.  
32. STOP: Stop play.  
33. PROGRAM: Arran ge program .  
Preparin g t h e Rem ot e Con t rol  
In sert in g t h e Bat t eries  
1. Open th e battery com partm en t cover.  
2. In sert th e n ew batteries. Make su re th at th e positive an d n egative term in als of  
th e batteries are orien ted in dicated.  
3. Close th e cover  
Battery: Two AAA size batteries.  
Usin g t h e Rem ot e Con t rol  
Aim th e rem ote con trol towards th e IR m ark (rem ote con trol sign al receiver)  
on th e face of th e DVD player.  
Operation an gle: Abou t 30 degrees in each th e direction from th e fron t of th e  
IR m ark.  
± 30 Deg ree  
. Con n ect ion Diagram  
Refer to th e con n ection diagram for th e proper con n ection s. You can m ake  
con n ection s sh own as below. Please ask a qu alified tech n ician for th e oth er  
con n ection s.  
Sym ptom an d Solu tion :  
Wh en h avin g problem with th e u n it, please ch eck th is list for a possible solu tion  
before askin g for service.  
Power Su pply  
Power Con su m ption  
Weigh t  
12V DC  
Dim en sion  
282X86X320 (W/ H/ D)  
Video System  
SL Beam , wave len gth : 650n m , 780n m  
DVD Au dio: 45KHz PCM4 Hz~22Hz  
96KHz PCM4 Hz~44KHz  
Au dio CD 4Hz~20KHz  
Frequ en cy Respon se  
S/ N Ratio  
Rotatin g Ratio  
Operation Con dition  
With in m easu rable ran ge  
Tem peratu re 0~40c; Operation status: horizon only  
Screen Size  
Resolu tion  
800(H) x 600(V)  
150 cd/ m 2  
Brigh tn ess  
Con trast  
Video In pu t  
1V p-p, 75 oh m s  
1W (MAX)  
Au dio Ou tpu t Power  

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