The stitch package at a glance!
All features at a glance!
Quilt stitches
For topstitching quilt projects with a hand-look
Stitch uses
Fascinating embroidery
Professional sew ing
For seaming and topstitching. Many needle positions available
for edge stitching or sewing in zippers.
Straight stitch
En d le ss so u rce o f e m b ro id e rie s!
Ge rm a n En g in e e rin g ! In n o va tive d e sig n !
With the creative
you get a creative smart card
For reinforced seams like those on trousers and underarm seams,
or for decorative topstitching. With many needle positions.
Stretch triple straight stitch
Zigzag stitch
with many beautiful embroidery designs and alphabets.
There are also many optional Embroidery Collections
available at your Pfaff dealer. And we offer both free
designs for downloading and our online creative
webshop at
Th e O RIGIN AL IDTTM – o n ly fro m Pfa ff
fo r o ve r 3 5 y e a rs!
The ultimate in piecing perfection! Absolutely even fabric
feed from both the top and the bottom.
For finishing seams on fabric applique and inserting lace.
Strong stitch for seam finishes, sewing elastic, darning tears,
and patches.
Three-step zigzag stitch
Th e rig h t stitch fo r e ve ry fa b ric!
All Internet designs can be downloaded and transferred
to a personal creative smart card with the smart card
station II (optional accessories).
100 stitches, including 9 mm wide stitches, decorative and
utility stitches, cross stitches and hem stitches plus an alphabet
with 50 letters, numbers and symbols.
Cross stitches
For embellishing table linens, crafts or garments.
Blind hem stitch
For securing hems invisibly on woven fabrics.
Elastic blind stitch
For securing hems invisibly and finishing the edge on stretch fabrics.
Embroidery designs from Pfaff – a never-ending source
of ideas!
Acce ssib le stitch se le ctio n a n d in fo rm a tio n !
All the information for each stitch appears in the illuminated
window. Recommended settings for each stitch, like length
and width, are already set and can be adjusted if needed.
Stitches can easily be selected with the Dire ct Se le ctio n
b u tto n s.
For joining and overcasting stretch fabrics in one operation.
The closed seam prevents fabric edges from fraying.
Closed overlock stitch
Ge t sta r te d rig h t a w a y !
When you purchase your Pfaff creative 2134, you get
a 225 x 140 mm (9" x 6") embroidery hoop and a quick
embroidery packet that contains fabric, stabilizer and
thread. Everything you need to start embroidering!
Bridging stitch
For bridging, decorative hemstitching and crazy quilting.
Buttonhole for blouses, shirts and linen.
Linen buttonhole
Pro g ra m m a b le w ith five m e m o rie s!
Stitches are programmable in five memories to save
individual patterns and stitch sequences.
Hem stitches
For ornamental hem stitching. Can be used
with a wing needle.
Button sewing program
For applying two-hole or four-hole buttons.
Ea sy p o sitio n in g !
For perfect positioning, you can move your design in four
directions and rotate it in 90 degree steps.
Elastic, decorative stitch for ornamental hem finishing on stretch fabric,
for decorative elastic application and sewing with elastic thread in
the bobbin.
O n ly fro m Pfa ff: Se n so rm a tic b u tto n h o le !
Sew professional buttonholes on every fabric.
Honeycomb stitch
To check the exact position of the embroidery on the fabric
in the hoop, just push the "Orbiting" button – this is extremely
helpful when you are positioning several designs right next to
each other. Designs can also be mirrored for more variety.
Id e a l fo r fre e m o tio n e m b ro id e ry, q u iltin g o r
d a rn in g – the feed dogs can be easily lowered from the
front of your Pfaff creative 2134. Use the special free-motion
sewing position for the presser foot to get the highest
clearance for your free-motion quilting and stippling.
For joining overlapped seams on bulky fabrics such as
leathers and terry cloth.
Foundation elastic stitch
Cross hem stitch
Antique Hand Embroidery stitches
Your Pfaff creative
always recommends which hoop to
Provides a highly elastic decorative seam for hems on sportswear and
casual wear.
Decorative stitches that sew the same area several
times, creating a hand-stitched embroidered look.
Use anywhere you want a unique accent.
For garments, home textiles, crafts.
use for each embroidery.
Se w in g fu n ctio n s a t th e to u ch o f a b u tto n !
“Tie-off“ function – for automatic tie off at the beginning
and/ or end of a seam.
“Needle Up-Down“ function – leaves the needle in the
fabric while turning.
“Sew slow“ function – reduces speed when the sewing
gets difficult.
“Mirroring“ function – mirrors your design.
”Permanent reverse” function – at the touch of a button!
Leave your hands free to guide your project!
N o fa b ric slip p a g e d u rin g e m b ro id e r y !
Use the Basting function to prevent knit fabrics from
stretching and to fasten fabrics that you don’t want to
hoop. It can also be used to secure fabric pieces to
hooped stabilizers or fabric.
Stretch triple zigzag stitch
Basting stitch
Elastic stitch for decorative hems and topstitching.
For basting project pieces together. With many needle positions.
For joining lightweight stretch fabrics and decorative embellishment.
All stitches are clearly displayed inside the lid.
Lightning stretch stitch
The Cu t p o sitio n moves the hoop forward to give you
easy access to the hooped fabric.
For joining and overcasting stretch fabrics in one operation.
The closed seam prevents fabric edges from fraying.
Closed overlock stitch
Scallop stitches
Dense decorative stitches. Use with speciality
threads for beautiful designs.
Mo ve th ro u g h th e e n tire d e sig n , stitch b y stitch
No matter where you are in the embroidery, you can move
forward or backward, stitch by stitch or color by color, to
embroider only part of your design.
Zigzag stitch,
right or left needle position
For applique, couching over cords and creating eyelets.
Se w in g o n b u tto n s? No problem – with the button
sewing function!
Stretch knit overlock stitch
Overlock stitch
Join and overcast open knit fabrics and jersey.
For joining and overcasting stretch fabrics in one operation.
Buttonhole for stretch fabrics.
Ma n y co lo rs o r ju st o n e ?
The decision is yours! Just one touch and your Pfaff
Ex tra stro n g m o to r. Consistently strong needle piercing
power when sewing slowly or when sewing several layers.
Several layers of denim can easily be sewn together!
will embroider any design in a single color.
Stretch buttonhole
And no need to stop for thread changes!
Only from Pfaff! Th e e rg o n o m ic w o rk a re a ! Lots of
work space and an optimal view of your sewing project.
Satin stitches
Dense decorative stitches. Use with speciality
threads for beautiful designs.
“Needle up/dow n“ function! The needle
remains in the down position while the presser
foot is automatically raised, for easy pivoting in
any thickness of fabric. This function is also
available through the foot control!
Slo w d o w n !
You can slow the stitching speed when embroidering with
specialty threads by pressing the "Sew slow" button.
Rounded buttonhole with
lengthwise tack
Buttonholes for shirts, jackets and trousers.
Ma n y n e e d le p o sitio n s!
For precise topstitching, without having to move the fabric.
Perfect for sewing zippers in place.
Professional eyelet
Professional tailor's buttonhole, for denim jackets and trousers.
Or as a decorative effect for kitchen or shower curtains.
Th re a d se n so rs will let you know when the needle and
bobbin threads are running low.
Bo b b in w in d in g is easier than ever! You can wind the
bobbin directly through the needle. Bobbin winding stops
automatically as soon as the bobbin is full.
Create eyelets for garment and home textiles. Also great for
decorating nostalgia projects.
An d a fte r e m b ro id e rin g ...
just push "Park position" to easily store the embroidery
Circular pieces, such as sleeves or trousers, are easy to sew,
thanks to the slender free arm.
Bar tack
For applying belt loops and reinforcing pockets.
Leaves and Flow ers stitches
Dense decorative stitches. Use with specialty
threads for beautiful motifs.
darning stitch
Pra ctica l th re a d cu tte rs!
No more searching for the scissors!
Program the length for darning and repeat it for large repairs.
Optional embroidery
accessories expand your
creative possibilities!
Usin g
tw in n e e d le ?
Art stitches
For embellishing sewing projects. Decorative
joining of overlapped seams.
Ornamental stitches
Decorative stitches for embellishing craft, garment
and home decorating projects.
The window always shows when a twin needle can be used
for a stitch. When sewing with two threads, use the included
extra spool pin.
Easy needle threading! No more searching for
the needle’s eye. Just lay the thread in place and
start sewing, thanks to the integrated needle
You'll find more information at your
Pfaff dealer, in the Pfaff Accessory
Catalogue, and at
Sta rt se w in g rig h t a w a y !
The most important sewing accessories are included with the
machine: standard presser foot, decorative stitch foot, blind
stitch foot, hemmer, edge guide, buttonhole foot, bobbins,
and more. And all accessories have their own individual
compartments in the large swing-out accessory tray.
Alphabet Block
Decorative, block alphabet to create labels,
write names or embellishing any sewing project.
” Sn a p o n ” – the quick change system for presser feet and
needle plates. Just snap them on and off.
10 – 11
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