Manufactured by
Polar Electro Oy
Professorintie 5
Tel +358 8 5202 100
Fax +358 8 5202 300
Press OK to enter the menu.
17928481.01 ENG B
User Manual
Polar F55™
Press the
buttons to move forward in the menus.
Press and hold the Back button to return to the Time of Day
1. GETTING STARTED - PERSONALIZE YOUR POLAR F55 ......................................................................................................8
1.1 PRODUCT ELEMENTS ..............................................................................................................................................8
1.2 WRIST UNIT BUTTONS AND SYMBOLS......................................................................................................................9
1.3 BASIC SETTINGS ...................................................................................................................................................11
1.4 MEASURING YOUR HEART RATE ............................................................................................................................13
2. TEST YOUR FITNESS LEVEL - GET YOUR OWNINDEX.......................................................................................................15
2.1 PERFORMING THE FITNESS TEST...........................................................................................................................16
2.2 FITNESS TEST TREND............................................................................................................................................19
3. SET YOUR GOAL - CREATE WORKOUT PROGRAM ............................................................................................................21
3.1 KEEPS U FIT - OWN WORKOUT PROGRAM..............................................................................................................21
3.1.1 Creating Your Program.............................................................................................................................22
3.1.2 View and Edit Your Program.....................................................................................................................24
3.1.3 Program Settings.....................................................................................................................................30
3.1.4 Update Your Program...............................................................................................................................32
3.2 POLAR BODY WORKOUT ........................................................................................................................................33
3.2.1 Creating Your Body Workout.....................................................................................................................34
3.2.2 View and Edit Your Body Workout.............................................................................................................3ꢀ
3.2.3 Body Workout Settings .............................................................................................................................38
4. REACH YOUR GOAL - START EXERCISING.......................................................................................................................39
4.1 STARTING EXERCISE RECORDING..........................................................................................................................39
4.2 FUNCTIONS DURING EXERCISE .............................................................................................................................40
4.3 STOPPING THE EXERCISE......................................................................................................................................47
4.4 EXERCISE SETTINGS .............................................................................................................................................48
4.ꢀ OWNZONE.............................................................................................................................................................ꢀ2
5. FOLLOW-UP YOUR ACHIEVEMENTS ................................................................................................................................55
ꢀ.1 DAILY FILE.............................................................................................................................................................ꢀꢀ
ꢀ.2 WEEKLY FILE .........................................................................................................................................................ꢀ8
ꢀ.3 TOTALS FILE..........................................................................................................................................................ꢀ9
ꢀ.4 DIARY....................................................................................................................................................................61
ꢀ.ꢀ WEEKLY AND MONTHLY FOLLOW-UP ......................................................................................................................64
6. REMEMBER TO RELAX - GET YOUR OWNRELAX...............................................................................................................66
6.1 PERFORMING THE RELAXATION SESSION...............................................................................................................66
6.2 INTERPRETATION OF THE RESULTS........................................................................................................................68
6.3 RELAXATION TREND ..............................................................................................................................................70
7. GET EXTRA BENEFIT FROM POLAR APPLICATIONS - DATA COMMUNICATION..................................................................72
8. SETTINGS .......................................................................................................................................................................73
8.1 WATCH SETTINGS..................................................................................................................................................73
8.2 HEART RATE SETTINGS..........................................................................................................................................81
8.3 USER SETTINGS ....................................................................................................................................................82
8.4 GENERAL SETTINGS ..............................................................................................................................................86
9. CARE AND MAINTENANCE...............................................................................................................................................88
10. PRECAUTIONS................................................................................................................................................................90
10.1 INTERFERENCE DURING EXERCISE .......................................................................................................................90
10.2 MINIMIZING POSSIBLE RISKS WHEN EXERCISING..................................................................................................91
11. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS....................................................................................................................................92
12. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION...........................................................................................................................................94
13. LIMITED POLAR INTERNATIONAL GUARANTEE ................................................................................................................96
14. DISCLAIMER...................................................................................................................................................................97
15. INDEX.............................................................................................................................................................................98
The Polar fitness heart rate monitor set consists of the
following items:
User Manual with Quick Guide
This User Manual contains the necessary information on
using your Polar fitness heart rate monitor. For a quick
reference, take the function map included in the Quick
Guide with you when exercising.
Wrist Unit
The wrist unit includes Polar
Keeps U Fit - Own Workout
Program. You can create,
update, and monitor your
Program with the wrist unit.
Data Communication
Your Polar fitness heart rate monitor offers you the option
of transferring data between your wrist unit and PC. For
further information, see the chapter Get Extra Benefit From
Polar Applications - Data Communication.
Polar WearLink™+ Coded
Transmitter sends the heart
rate signal to the wrist unit.
The transmitter consists of a
connector and strap.
Note: Pressing a button briefly (approximately one second) has a different effect than pressing and holding the button for a longer period of
time (at least two seconds).
Move up in the menus and selection lists.
Increase the selected flashing value when
is on the display.
Switch the backlight on.
By pressing and holding the Light button, you can:
Lock and unlock all the buttons, except the
Light button, in the Time of Day display or while
recording your exercise. Press and hold the
Light button until Buttons Locked or Unlocked
is displayed.
By pressing and holding the button you can:
Change the display logo in the Time of Day
Change the top row information in the Exercise
recording mode.
Exit the displayed menu and return to the
previous level.
Enter the menu in the Time of Day display.
Enter the displayed menu.
Accept your selection.
Cancel the selection and leave the setting as
it was.
Switch the alarm off.
By pressing and holding the OK button, you can
start exercise recording from the Time of Day
By pressing and holding the Back button, you can:
Return to the Time of Day display from any menu.
Enter the Watch settings from the Time of Day
Move down in the menus and selection lists.
Decrease the selected flashing value when
is on the display.
Heart Touch
In the Exercise mode, you can see the time
of day by bringing the wrist unit near the
Polar logo on the transmitter.
By pressing and holding the button, you can
change the time zone in the Time of Day display.
The envelope reminds you to
check the exercises from last week or
to perform the Polar Fitness Test. For
further information, see the section
Weekly and Monthly Follow-Up.
The menu level indicator shows you
the number of menu items. When
browsing the menus, the symbol
indicates where you are in the current
menu level. The symbol shows you
the total number of menu items.
The battery symbol indicates that
the wrist unit battery is low. For
further information, see the chapter
Care and Maintenance.
In guided setting sequences the
number of symbols indicates the
total number of settings, and the
flashing symbol indicates the
setting you are currently adjusting.
The alarm symbol indicates that
the alarm is switched on. For further
information, see the section Watch
The framed heart indicates the
coded transmission of your heart
rate. For further information, see the
section Measuring Your Heart Rate.
Moon phase indicator:
First Quarter - less than one-half
of the moon is visible, the moon is
Full Moon - the moon is
completely visible
The recording symbol indicates
that exercise recording is on.
Last Quarter - less than one-half
of the moon is visible, the moon is
New Moon - the moon is not
The sound symbol indicates that
the heart rate zone alarm is switched
on in the Exercise menu. For further
information, see the section Functions
During Exercising.
The dumbbell symbol indicates
the body workout.
Start from the Basic Settings mode when you use your product for the first time. You only need to activate the blank wrist
unit once. Once activated, the wrist unit cannot be switched off.
Alternatively, you can transfer the Basic Settings to the wrist unit from your computer. For further information, see the
chapter Data Communication.
Note: It is important that you be precise with the settings, as they have an impact on the accuracy of the Keeps U Fit - Own Workout Program.
1. Activate the wrist unit by pressing any button. The display fills up with digits. Press OK.
2. WELCOME TO POLAR FITNESS WORLD is displayed. Press OK to start settings.
3. Language: Press the
4. START WITH BASIC SETTINGS is displayed. Press OK to start the Basic Settings.
ꢀ. Time: Press the buttons to select the 12 H or 24 H time mode. Press OK.
buttons to select language. Press OK.
12 H: the time is displayed from 1 to 12 am or pm. In the date and birthday settings, the month is set first and
then the day (mm.dd).
• Press the
• Press the
• Press the
buttons to select AM or PM. Press OK.
buttons to set the hours. Press OK.
buttons to set the minutes. Press OK.
24 H: the time is displayed from 0 to 23 hours. In the date and birthday settings, the day is set first and
then the month (dd.mm).
• Press the
• Press the
buttons to set the hours. Press OK.
buttons to set the minutes. Press OK.
6. Date: Press the
buttons to select the month (mm) or day (dd). Press OK.
• Press the
• Press the
buttons to select the day (dd) or month (mm). Press OK.
buttons to select the year (yy). Press OK.
7. Units: Press the
buttons to select kilograms and centimeters (KG/CM) or pounds and feet (LB/FT). Press OK.
Note: The unit selection also affects how the calories are displayed. If you select lb/ft, calories are displayed as Cal. If you select kg/cm,
calories are displayed as kcal.
8. Weight: Press the
buttons to set your weight. Press OK.
Note: If you select the wrong units, you can still change them by pressing and holding the Light button.
9. Height: Press the
buttons to set your height. Press OK.
Note: If you select lb/ft as your units, you first set feet and then inches.
10. Birthday: Press the
buttons to select your birth month (mm) or day (dd). Press OK.
• Press the
• Press the
buttons to select the day (dd) or month (mm). Press OK.
buttons to select the year (yy). Press OK.
11. Sex: Press the
buttons to select MALE or FEMALE. Press OK.
12. SETTINGS OK? is displayed. Press the
buttons to select YES or NO. Press OK.
If you select Yes, your settings are accepted and you can start using your Polar heart rate monitor.
If you select No, you can change your Basic Settings. Press the Back button until you return to the setting you want to
To measure your heart rate, you need to wear the transmitter.
Heart rate coding reduces interference from other heart rate monitors that are close by. To make sure that the code search
is successful and ensure trouble-free heart rate monitoring, keep the wrist unit within 3 feet/1 meter of your transmitter.
Check that you are not near other people with heart rate monitors or any source of electromagnetic disturbances (for further
information on interference, see the chapter Precautions).
1. Wet the electrode areas of the strap under running water and make sure that they are well
2. Attach the connector to the strap. Adjust the strap length to fit snugly and comfortably.
3. Tie the strap around your chest, just below the chest muscles, and attach the hook to the
other end of the strap.
4. Check that the wet electrode areas are firmly against your skin and that the Polar logo of the
connector is in a central, upright position.
ꢀ. Wear the wrist unit as a watch. In the Time of Day display, press OK to enter the menu.
Exercise is displayed. The wrist unit automatically starts to search for your heart rate.
Your heart rate and the framed heart symbol
appear in a maximum of 1ꢀ seconds.
The frame around the heart symbol indicates that your heart rate is coded.
Your heart rate is measured, but not recorded, until you have started to exercise. To record
your heart rate and other exercise data, see the chapter Reach Your Goal - Start Exercising.
Note: If the wrist unit does not receive your heart rate - - /00 is displayed, check that the transmitter
electrodes are wet and that the strap is snug enough. Bring the wrist unit up to your chest near the Polar logo
on the transmitter. The wrist unit starts to seek the heart rate signal again.
OwnIndex is a result of the Polar Fitness Test that is an easy, safe and quick way to estimate your aerobic fitness. The
OwnIndex is based on your heart rate and heart rate variability at rest as well as on your gender, height, body weight,
and self assessed physical activity. OwnIndex is a score, which is comparable to VO2max (ml/kg/min), a commonly used
descriptor of aerobic fitness.
Aerobic (cardiovascular) fitness relates to how well your cardiovascular system works to transport oxygen to your body. The
better your aerobic fitness, the stronger and more efficient your heart is. Good aerobic fitness has many health benefits.
For example, it decreases your risk of cardiovascular diseases, stroke and high blood pressure. If you want to improve your
aerobic fitness, it takes a minimum of six weeks of regular training to see a noticeable change in your OwnIndex. Less fit
individuals see progress even more rapidly. More active individuals require more time.
Aerobic fitness is best improved by exercise types that use large muscle groups. Such activities include for example,
walking, running, cycling, rowing, swimming, skating, and cross-country skiing.
To be able to determine your current fitness level, start by measuring your OwnIndex a couple of times over the first two
weeks to get a reliable baseline value. Thereafter, repeat the test once a month in order to follow your fitness progress.
The Polar Fitness Test is targeted to healthy adults.
Note: Before you can perform the Polar Fitness Test, you need to enter your personal user information and long-term physical activity level in
the User Settings and to wear your transmitter.
It takes 3-ꢀ minutes to perform the test.
To get reliable test results, the following basic requirements apply:
• The test can take place anywhere - at home, in the office, and at a health club - as long as the test environment is
peaceful. There should be no disturbing noises (for example, television, radio or telephone), or other people talking to you.
• Keep the test place, time of day and environment the same every time the test is repeated.
• You should be relaxed and calm.
• Avoid eating a heavy meal or smoking 2-3 hours prior to testing.
• Avoid heavy physical effort, alcoholic beverages or pharmacological stimulants on the test day and the day before.
• Lie down and relax for 1-3 minutes before starting the test.
1. In the Time of Day display press OK. Exercise is displayed.
2. Press the
3. Press the
buttons until Test is displayed. Press OK.
buttons to select TEST. Press OK.
If you have not set your long-term physical activity level in User Settings, Activity is displayed. Press the
buttons to
select TOP, HIGH, MODERATE, or LOW. Press OK.
The activity level is an assessment of your level of physical activity. Select the alternative that best describes the overall
amount and intensity of your physical activity in the past three months.
You participate regularly in heavy physical exercise at least ꢀ times a week. For example, you exercise to
improve performance for competitive purposes.
You participate regularly, at least 3 times a week, in heavy physical exercise. For example, you run 6-12 miles/
10-20 km per week, or participate in 3-4 gym classes or aerobic exercise classes weekly, or you spend 2-3 hours
per week in comparable physical activity.
MODERATE: You participate regularly in recreational sports. For example, you run 3-6 miles/ꢀ-10 km per week,
or you participate in 1-2 gym classes or aerobic exercise classes weekly, or you spend 1/2-2 hours per week
in comparable physical activity or your work requires modest physical activity.
You do not participate regularly in programmed recreational sport or heavy physical activity. For example,
you walk only for pleasure or occasionally exercise sufficiently to cause heavy breathing or perspiration.
The test begins with Fitness
Test and your heart rate being
displayed. The increasing
number of arrows indicates that
the test is in progress.
Stay relaxed. Keep your hands
beside your body and limit body
movements and communication
with other people.
When the test is over, the following information is displayed.
Your current OwnIndex
(VO2max, ml/kg/min)
Your fitness classification
(for further information, see the
section Fitness Classes)
Test date
4. Press OK. UPDATE USER SET? is displayed.
ꢀ. Press the
buttons to select YES or NO. Press OK.
If USER SETTINGS MISSING appears, some of the user settings
are missing. Press OK to complete all your settings. For further
information, see the section User Settings.
You can stop the test at anytime by pressing the Back button.
Fitness Test Failed is displayed for a few seconds. Your most
recent OwnIndex value is not replaced.
If the wrist unit does not receive your heart rate at the beginning
or during the test, the test fails. Check that the transmitter
electrodes are wet and that the textile strap is snug enough.
Select No only if you know your laboratory-measured
VO2max value and it differs more than one Fitness class
from the OwnIndex result. In this case, your OwnIndex
value is saved only to the Fitness Test Trend.
If you select Yes, your OwnIndex value is saved to your
user settings and Fitness Test Trend.
6. Continue by viewing Fitness Test Trend or press and hold
the Back button to return to the Time of Day display.
Fitness Test Trend contains your OwnIndex results. In the Fitness Test Trend you can view your 47 most recent OwnIndex
results. When the trend view becomes full, the next OwnIndex result replaces the oldest. If you want to save the data for a
longer period, transfer the Fitness Test Trend to the polarpersonaltrainer.com web service. For further information, see the
chapter Data Communication.
1. If you start from the Time of Day display, press OK.
2. Press the
3. Press the
buttons until Test is displayed. Press OK.
buttons to select TREND. Press OK.
The following information is displayed:
Your most recent test date
Graphical trend of your OwnIndex results
Your most recent OwnIndex value
Press the
buttons to view the tested values.
Press and hold the Back button to return to the Time of Day display, or continue from Deleting OwnIndex Value.
Deleting OwnIndex Value
1. Press and hold the Light button to start deleting the selected value.
2. DELETE VALUE? is displayed. Press the
buttons to select YES or NO.
3. Press OK. The wrist unit returns to the Fitness Test Trend view.
Fitness Classes
The Polar Fitness Test result, your OwnIndex, is most meaningful when comparing your individual values and changes in
them. OwnIndex can also be interpreted according to your gender and age. Locate your OwnIndex on the table to find your
current cardiovascular fitness classification, compare it with those who are of the same age and gender.
This classification is based on a literature review of 62 studies
where VO2max was measured directly in healthy adult subjects in
the USA, Canada and 7 European countries. Reference: Shvartz E,
Reibold RC: Aerobic fitness norms for males and females aged 6 to
75 years: a review. Aviat Space Environ Med; 61:3-11, 1990.
20-24 < 32 32-37 38-43 44-ꢀ0 ꢀ1-ꢀ6 ꢀ7-62 >62
2ꢀ-29 < 31 31-3ꢀ 36-42 43-48 49-ꢀ3 ꢀ4-ꢀ9 >ꢀ9
30-34 < 29 29-34 3ꢀ-40 41-4ꢀ 46-ꢀ1 ꢀ2-ꢀ6 >ꢀ6
3ꢀ-39 < 28 28-32 33-38 39-43 44-48 49-ꢀ4 >ꢀ4
40-44 < 26 26-31 32-3ꢀ 36-41 42-46 47-ꢀ1 >ꢀ1
4ꢀ-49 < 2ꢀ 2ꢀ-29 30-34 3ꢀ-39 40-43 44-48 >48
ꢀ0-ꢀ4 < 24 24-27 28-32 33-36 37-41 42-46 >46
ꢀꢀ-ꢀ9 < 22 22-26 27-30 31-34 3ꢀ-39 40-43 >43
60-6ꢀ < 21 21-24 2ꢀ-28 29-32 33-36 37-40 >40
20-24 < 27 27-31 32-36 37-41 42-46 47-ꢀ1 >ꢀ1
2ꢀ-29 < 26 26-30 31-3ꢀ 36-40 41-44 4ꢀ-49 >49
30-34 < 2ꢀ 2ꢀ-29 30-33 34-37 38-42 43-46 >46
3ꢀ-39 < 24 24-27 28-31 32-3ꢀ 36-40 41-44 >44
40-44 < 22 22-2ꢀ 26-29 30-33 34-37 38-41 >41
4ꢀ-49 < 21 21-23 24-27 28-31 32-3ꢀ 36-38 >38
ꢀ0-ꢀ4 < 19 19-22 23-2ꢀ 26-29 30-32 33-36 >36
ꢀꢀ-ꢀ9 < 18 18-20 21-23 24-27 28-30 31-33 >33
60-6ꢀ < 16 16-18 19-21 22-24 2ꢀ-27 28-30 >30
The Polar Keeps U Fit - Own Workout Program is based on your current fitness level, giving you guidance on how much you
need to exercise to achieve your personal fitness goals.
The personalized Keeps U Fit - Own Workout Program helps you to plan your exercise by recommending total exercise duration,
calories, and exercise duration in different intensity zones. The Program takes into account your current fitness level, your
personal target and how many times per week you want to exercise. Based on these values, you receive weekly and daily
exercise targets. The Program provides you with weekly exercise times and calories, and the number, duration, and intensity
of individual exercise sessions.
Overview of Keeps U Fit - Own Workout Program
Use your Polar fitness heart rate monitor while exercising
and check the current week’s recorded data in the electronic
Test Your Fitness Level
Diary. In the Diary, you can compare your weekly exercises
against your targets and see if you are achieving your
weekly targets as planned. In the File menu, you can see
more detailed information about your exercise sessions.
To monitor your long-term fitness level progress, perform
the Polar Fitness Test once a month and compare the
measured value to your previous values in Fitness Test
by performing Polar Fitness Test
‡ Result: Your current fitness level (OwnIndex®)
Create the Program
‡ Result: Your weekly and daily exercise targets
Your Long
Exercise According to Your Program
‡ Result: Exercise File
Follow-Up Your Weekly Progress
from the electronic Diary
‡ Result: Your Weekly Status
This section provides you with step-by-step information on how to create your Keeps U Fit - Own Workout Program.
To be able to get an accurate exercise program, start by measuring your fitness level as instructed in the chapter Test Your
Fitness Level - Get Your OwnIndex.
1. Start from the Time of Day display. Press OK. Exercise is displayed.
2. Press the
3. Press the
4. Press the
buttons to select Program. Press OK.
buttons to select CARDIO. Press OK.
buttons to select CREATE. Press OK.
If you have not performed the Polar Fitness Test before or if it has been more than six months since you last performed it, OWNINDEX
MISSING. DEFAULT USED is displayed. Return to the Time of Day display by pressing and holding the Back button and perform the Fitness
Test, as instructed in the chapter Test Your Fitness Level - Get Your OwnIndex. Otherwise, the default OwnIndex value, result of Polar
Fitness Test, is used and the recommended amount of exercise at different intensity levels is not accurate for you.
If START WITH BASIC SETTINGS appears, some of the Basic Settings are missing. Press OK to complete all your settings. For further
information, see the section Basic Settings.
If you have already created a Program, OVERWRITE CURRENT? is displayed. Press the
buttons to select YES to create a new Program
or NO to cancel the creation of a new Program. Press OK.
ꢀ. OwnIndex: The determination of your current fitness level affects the amount of exercise at different intensity levels that
the Program recommends.
• If you have already performed the Fitness Test, your latest OwnIndex value is displayed.
If you know your maximal aerobic power (VO2max, ml/kg/min) from a laboratory measurement or from another fitness
test you perform regularly, you can adjust your OwnIndex by pressing the
buttons. Press OK.
6. Target: Press the buttons to select the Program level according to your target: MAXIMIZE, IMPROVE, or MAINTAIN.
Target selection affects your target exercise time. Press OK.
Select Maximize if your target is to maximize your current aerobic fitness level. Select Maximize if you have been
exercising regularly for at least 10-12 weeks and exercising nearly every day is not a problem for you. The Program
recommends that you exercise approximately five hours a week, divided into four to six exercise sessions.
Select Improve if your target is to improve your current aerobic fitness level and you are able to exercise regularly. The
Program recommends that you exercise approximately three hours a week, divided into three to five exercise sessions.
Select Maintain if your target is to maintain your current aerobic fitness level. If you have not exercised recently,
Maintain is a good start for you and may even improve your fitness. The Program recommends that you exercise
approximately one and half-hour per week, divided into two to three exercise sessions.
7. Exe.Count (exercise count): Based on your OwnIndex and target selection, the wrist unit
recommends how many times a week you should exercise. The cursor shows you the
recommended value.
If you wish, you can change the value with the
buttons. Press OK.
8. The wrist unit displays YOUR PERSONAL PROGRAM and your weekly exercise targets in a few
If you want to view your targets, continue from Your Weekly Exercise Targets.
Alternatively, return to the Time of Day display by pressing and holding the Back button.
This section describes how you can view and edit your Keeps U Fit - Own Workout Program.
1. If you start from the Time of Day display, press OK. Exercise is displayed.
2. Press the
3. Press the
4. Press the
buttons to select Program. Press OK.
buttons to select CARDIO. Press OK.
buttons to select EDIT. Press OK.
Note: If you have not created a Program, Empty is displayed. The wrist unit advises you to create a Program first. For further information, see
the chapter Keeps U Fit - Own Workout Program.
Your Weekly Exercise Targets
Weekly Targets
Target exercise count per week
Target total exercise duration per week
Target total calories (Cal/kcal) you should burn in your weekly exercise
Press the button to proceed.
Weekly HR zones: Your weekly target exercise time is divided into three different intensity zones: Light, Moderate, and Hard,
depending on your Program target selection.
The height of the bar
indicates the weekly
exercise target in the
intensity zone.
Exercising in the Light* intensity zone (60-70% HRmax) is good for improving health and fitness. It also improves basic endurance and
helps you to recover from heavier exercise.
Exercising in the Moderate intensity zone (70-80% HRmax) is effective particularly for improving aerobic fitness. All programs include
exercise in this intensity zone.
The Hard intensity zone (80-90% HRmax) is for relatively short exercise at high intensity. Exercising in this zone causes heavy breathing,
muscle tiredness, and fatigue. It increases maximum performance capacity. Only Improve and Maximize Programs include exercise in this
intensity zone.
Press OK to view the target exercise durations in different intensity zones.
Intensity zone name
Graphical bar of the intensity zone is highlighted
Target exercise duration in the selected intensity zone
To view the information for the other intensity zones, press the
Press the Back button to return to the Weekly HR zones view.
Press the button to proceed.
*Polar target heart rate intensity definition is modified from international exercise science authorities’ recommendations in which Light
intensity can reach lower than 60% HRmax
Your Exercise Session Targets
If you start from the Time of Day display, repeat steps 1-4 on page 24, and press the
buttons until Weekly Exercises is
Weekly Exercises: Depending on your exercise count selection, your weekly exercise time is divided into individual exercise
sessions of different durations. Exercise sessions are called SHORT, NORMAL, and LONG according to the duration of the
The Weekly Exercises view
shows you a summary of your
weekly exercise sessions,
with the number of exercise
sessions displayed by duration.
To view your targets per
Adding Exercise Session to Your Program
If you select ADD, adjust the exercise Duration.
1. Adjust the hours with the
2. Adjust the minutes with the
buttons. Press OK.
buttons. Press OK.
3. The wrist unit displays EXERCISE CALORIES UPDATED.
Your target exercise calories are automatically calculated
and the wrist unit displays targets of the added exercise
exercise session, press OK.
The Exercises view shows you
the recommended performance
order for your exercise sessions.
Select the desired exercise
Note: The added exercise session is automatically appended to
your weekly exercise targets and the HR zone targets of the added
exercise session are calculated according to your weekly HR zone
session with the
Alternatively, select ADD to
include an extra exercise
session in your Program.
Press OK.
Exercise Session Targets:
Exercise name/Targets
Target exercise duration
Target calories (Cal/kcal) you should burn in this exercise session
Press the button to proceed.
Alternatively, press OK to edit the exercise session targets and continue from Editing Exercise
Alternatively, press and hold the Light button to delete the exercise session and continue from
Deleting Exercise Session.
HR Zones Targets: Each of your individual exercise sessions is divided into three different intensity zones: Light, Moderate,
and Hard.
Press OK to view the exercise session targets by intensity zones.
Intensity zone name
Target exercise duration in the selected intensity zone. The target exercise duration
in different intensity zones depends on the type of the selected exercise.
To view information for the other intensity zones, press the
to the HR zones view.
buttons. Press Back to return
Alternatively, edit the target duration of the intensity zone by pressing the OK button and
continue from Editing Exercise Targets.
Editing Exercise Targets
1. EDIT DURATION? is displayed. Press the
buttons to select YES or NO. Press OK.
If you select Yes, the hours start to flash. If you select No, the wrist unit returns to the Targets view.
2. Adjust the hours with the
3. Adjust the minutes with the
buttons. Press OK.
buttons. Press OK.
4. The wrist unit displays EXERCISE CALORIES UPDATED. Your target exercise calories are automatically updated and
the wrist unit returns to the Targets view.
Note: If you change your exercise targets, the wrist unit automatically checks the exercise duration and changes the type of exercise if it has
been modified. At the same time your weekly exercise targets are automatically updated.
Deleting Exercise Session
You can delete a selected exercise session by pressing and holding the Light button in the Exercise Session Targets view.
1. DELETE EXERCISE? is displayed. Press the
buttons to select YES or NO. Press OK.
2. If you select Yes, the wrist unit displays ARE YOU SURE? If you do not want to delete the exercise session, select NO.
Select YES to delete the file. Press OK. Note! After you delete an exercise session, you cannot restore it.
3. If you select Yes, the wrist unit returns to the Exercises view. Press the Back button to return to the Weekly Exercises view.
If you have changed your exercise targets or deleted exercise sessions, your weekly targets are automatically updated.
The wrist unit confirms your Program update and PROGRAM TARGETS UPDATED is displayed.
In the Program Settings menu you can switch the OwnZone (automatic determination of your target heart rate zone) and
Program on or off and rename your Program exercises.
1. Start from the Time of Day display. Press OK. Exercise is displayed.
2. Press the
3. Press the
4. Press the
buttons to select Program. Press OK.
buttons to select CARDIO. Press OK.
buttons to select SETTINGS. Press OK.
Note: If you select Settings and you have not created a Program, Empty is displayed. Create a Program first. For further information, see the
chapter Keeps U Fit - Own Workout Program.
ꢀ. Press the
buttons to select OWNZONE, RENAME, or ON/OFF. Press OK.
OwnZone Function On or Off Selection
The OwnZone function determines you target heart rate zone automatically in the beginning of the exercise. For further
information, see the section OwnZone.
Press the
buttons to select OwnZone ON or OFF. Press OK.
Note: The OwnZone function selection affects all Program exercises.
Renaming Exercise Sessions
You can rename each exercise session with eight letters. The available digits are: 0-9, space, A-Z, a-z, - % / ( ) * + . : ?
Press the
buttons to select the exercise session you want to rename. Press OK.
• The adjustable letter is underlined and blinking. Press the
• Press OK to accept the selected letter.
buttons to change the letter.
• Press Back to move to a letter you have previously set.
• Press and hold OK to skip editing the rest of the letters.
• After editing the last letter, press OK.
Program On or Off Selection
Switch the Program ON or OFF with the
buttons. Press OK.
Note: If you switch the Program off, the exercise targets are not shown in the Diary view and you cannot select Program exercise sessions in
the Exercise menu. Even if you switch the Program off, it remains in the wrist unit memory. Switch the Program on to use it again.
Press and hold the Back button to return to the Time of Day display.
There are two ways you can update your Keeps U Fit - Own Workout Program: editing the exercise sessions of your current
Program and creating an entirely new Program.
If you feel from the beginning that some of the exercise sessions are too hard or too easy for you, you can change the exercise
session targets. For further information, see the section View and Edit Your Program.
You can create a new Program, if:
• you have been able to carry out the Program as planned and you have improved at least to the next Fitness class
• the Program you have created does not improve your fitness
• the Program you have created feels too easy or too hard
• you have some other problems in carrying out the Program or your situation has changed. For example, you can use more
time to exercise and you want to improve your fitness instead of maintaining it.
Polar Body Workout™ is your guide to strength (resistance) training. You can create and edit a body workout with the
wrist unit and follow your progress while exercising. Based on your user settings, the wrist unit provides you a default body
workout with movements, count of sets, repetitions, and weights recommendations. The default body workout includes ten
different movements.
The wrist unit default body workout is an excellent starting point if you do not have earlier experience in strength training. In
that case, start by performing the default workout approximately twice a week for three months. Start with lighter weights and
move to heavier ones after you feel you can push a little bit more and still keep the correct technique. If the recommended
number of repetitions is 8-12 try to find the weights with which you can perform 10 repetitions using a good technique.
You can modify the default workout by deleting and adding movements from a total of 17 different movements. The maximum
number of movements in one workout is 14. After performing the default body workout for about three months, change the
workout by adding and deleting movements.
For further information on how to perform the movements, see the Polar Body Card. After modifying your body workout you
Note: Repetitions and weights are shown only in Exercise recording mode. Default movements and repetitions are the same for everyone; the
weights are calculated according to your body weight and gender.
1. Start from the Time of Day display. Press OK. Exercise is displayed.
2. Press the
3. Press the
4. Press the
buttons to select Program. Press OK.
buttons to select BODY. Press OK.
buttons to select CREATE. Press OK.
ꢀ. The wrist unit displays BODY EXERCISE and your body workout targets in a few seconds.
If you want to view your body workout targets, continue from the section Your Body Workout Targets, on next page.
Alternatively, return to the Time of Day display by pressing and holding the Back button.
If START WITH BASIC SETTINGS appears, some of the Basic Settings are missing. Press OK to complete all your settings. For further
information, see the section Basic Settings.
If you have already created a body workout OVERWRITE CURRENT? is displayed. Press the
body workout or NO to cancel the creation of a new body workout. Press OK.
If you have created also a Keeps U Fit - Own Workout Program, the body workout target exercise duration, calories, and one exercise count
are added to your weekly exercise targets. You can view your weekly targets in the Diary.
buttons to select YES to create a new
This section describes how you can view and edit your body workout.
1. If you start from the Time of Day display, press OK. Exercise is displayed.
2. Press the
3. Press the
4. Press the
buttons to select Program. Press OK.
buttons to select BODY. Press OK.
buttons to select EDIT. Press OK.
Note: If you have not created the body workout, Empty is displayed. Create the body workout first. For further information, see the section
Creating Your Body Workout.
Your Body Workout Targets
Body workout movements in the recommended performance order alternate with the movement information view.
Body workout movements
Cursor shows you the selected
Information on the selected
Count of sets
Count of sets
Movement name
Muscle group
In the body workout the body is divided into six muscle groups: legs, chest, deltoids (delts), back, arms, and abdomen (abs).
ꢀ. Press the
buttons to select the movement. Press OK. Alternatively, select ADD MOVE to include an extra movement
in your body workout. Press OK and continue from section Adding Movement.
Selected movement name
6. Press the
buttons to select EDIT SET or DELETE. Press OK.
Editing Count of Sets
If you start from the Time of Day display, repeat steps 1-6.
7. Sets: Press the buttons to adjust count of sets (1-3). Press OK.
The wrist unit displays SETS UPDATED and returns to the movement list.
Deleting Movement
If you start from the Time of Day display, repeat steps 1-6.
7. DELETE MOVEMENT? is displayed. Press the
buttons to select YES or NO. Press OK.
If you select Yes, the wrist unit displays MOVEMENT DELETED and returns to the movement list.
Adding Movement
If you start from the Time of Day display, repeat steps 1-5.
6. Press the
buttons to select muscle group LEGS, CHEST, DELTS, BACK, ARMS, or ABS. Press OK.
The list of the available movements alternate with the selected movement name.
Muscle group
Name of the selected movement
Cursor shows you the selected
7. Press the
8. Sets: Press the
The wrist unit displays MOVEMENT ADDED and returns to the movement list.
buttons to select the desired movement. Press OK.
buttons to adjust the count of sets. Press OK.
Note: One movement can exist only once in the body workout. If the workout includes the maximum number of movements (14) or
all the selected muscle group movements ADDING NOT POSSIBLE is displayed. To be able to add a movement to your body workout,
delete some of the existing movements.
After editing your body workout, press Back to return to the Program menu, the wrist unit confirms your changes by
displaying Body Exercise Updated.
Press and hold the Back button to return to the Time of Day display.
In the body workout settings you can switch the body workout
on or off and rename your body workout.
• Press and hold OK to skip editing the rest of the letters.
• After editing the last letter, press OK.
Body Workout On or Off Selection
Switch the body workout ON or OFF with the
1. Start from the Time of Day display. Press OK. Exercise is
Press OK.
Note: If you switch the body workout off you cannot select the body
workout in the Exercise menu. Even if you switch the body workout
off, it remains in the wrist unit memory. Switch the body workout on
to use it again.
2. Press the
3. Press the
4. Press the
ꢀ. Press the
Press OK.
buttons to select Program. Press OK.
buttons to select BODY. Press OK.
buttons to select SETTINGS. Press OK.
buttons to select RENAME or ON/OFF.
Press and hold the Back button to return to the Time of Day
Note: If you select Settings and you have not created a body workout,
Empty is displayed. Create a body workout first. For further information,
see the section Creating Your Body Workout.
Renaming Body Workout
You can rename your body workout with eight letters.
The available digits are: 0-9, space, A-Z, a-z, - % / ( ) *
+ . : ?
• The adjustable letter is underlined and blinking. Press
buttons to change the letter.
• Press OK to accept the selected letter.
• Press Back to move to a letter you have previously set.
In the Exercise menu you can view and record your exercise information, such as your heart rate, exercise time, and energy
1. Wear the transmitter as described in the section Measuring Your Heart Rate. When you wear your transmitter during an
exercise session the wrist unit automatically calculates the number of calories you have burned, as well as the other
exercise information based on your heart rate.
2. Start from the Time of Day display. Press OK.
3. Exercise is displayed. The wrist unit automatically starts to search for your heart rate. Press OK.
4. Exercise and the name of the next exercise session alternate in the top row. Press the
buttons to select START.
Press OK to start recording your exercise session. Exercise time starts running.
Alternatively, if you want to perform some other exercise session than displayed in the top row, press the
to select SETTINGS. Press OK.
Press the
Press the
buttons to select EXERCISE. Press OK.
buttons to select the exercise session you want to perform, press OK until the exercise session is started
and exercise time is running.
• If OwnZone is displayed, see the section OwnZone.
• If you want to skip the OwnZone® determination and use the previously determined OwnZone, press OK. In this case,
if you have not determined your OwnZone before, your age-based heart rate limits are used.
• If you have selected a Program exercise, but do not want to determine your OwnZone, switch the OwnZone function off
in Program Settings before starting to exercise. Alternatively, if you have selected Manual exercise, you can change the
HR Limits settings in Exercise Settings.
• If START WITH BASIC SETTINGS appears, some of the Basic Settings are missing. Press OK to complete all your settings.
For further information, see the section Basic Settings.
Note: Your exercise information is saved only if the stopwatch has been on for more than one minute.
Checking the Time of Day
Bring the wrist unit near the Polar logo on the transmitter. The time of day and your current heart rate are displayed.
Checking Exercise Information
Press the
buttons to view the following options:
Exercise duration
Heart rate as beats per minute (bpm) or as a percentage of your
maximum heart rate (%HRmax), depending on your settings.
The arrow symbols beside the
symbol indicate that you are below or
above your target heart rate zone.
Calories (displayed as Cal/kcal,
depending on your units settings)
The calories you have burned
until now.
HR zones (displayed if Program
exercise is selected)
The time spent in your present
intensity zone.
The intensity zone symbol shows
you the zone you are at the
The target intensity zone bar is
highlighted, if you are within
your target heart rate zone.
Polar calorie calculation shows your energy expenditure while exercising.
You can use the feature to set daily and weekly exercise goals in
terms of calories (Cal/kcal) regardless of the Program. Monitor your
energy expenditure by following the calories of one exercise session,
accumulated weekly calories, or your total calories for as many exercise
sessions as you choose.
Exercise Targets (not displayed
if Manual exercise is selected)
Exercise name
Target exercise duration
Target calories (Cal/kcal)
In Zone (displayed if HR limits
is on)
symbol is displayed if your
OwnZone determination succeeds
Exercise duration between target
heart rate limits
Target heart rate limits as bpm
or as %HRmax, depending on your
Note: Your target heart rate zone is automatically defined according
to your Program exercise targets. When your Program exercise target
time in the zone is fulfilled, the target heart rate limits are changed.
For example, if your exercise includes both Moderate and Hard
intensity zones, your lower limit is at first defined according to your
Moderate zone and then changed to Hard zone after the Moderate
zone is fulfilled. When your target exercise time in all the zones is
fulfilled, the limits are changed to Light limits.
The symbol moves left or right according to your heart
rate. If the symbol is not visible, it means your heart
rate is either below or above your target heart rate
limits. The alarm sounds, provided the zone alarm is
switched on.
Body exercise (displayed if the
body workout is selected)
Press OK to start the body
Press OK to start performing the first movement.
Alternatively, press the
movement. Press OK.
buttons to select the desired
The following information is displayed:
Movement name
Count of sets
Body workout movements in the recommended performance
order alternate with the movement information view.
Weights (pounds/kilograms).
If the weights recommended by
the wrist unit, are not suitable
for you, adjust the weights by
Body workout movements
Cursor shows you the selected
Count of sets
Muscle group
pressing the
Press OK.
Note: If you adjust the weights, the next time you perform the body
workout the wrist unit recommends the same weights you used
Information on the selected
Count of sets
Movement name
Perform the sets of the movement. Remember to recover
2-3 minutes between the sets. You can use the HeartTouch
function to check the time of day and follow your recovery
When you have completed all the sets of the movement, press OK.
The name of the movement and COMPLETED are displayed for a moment, the wrist unit returns
to the movement list.
After completing the set, the movement is removed from the movement list.
Alternatively, if you do not want to perform all the sets at once, press the Back button and select
the next movement.
After you have completed all the movements and sets, Body exercise completed is displayed.
You can continue your exercise by following other information on the exercise by pressing
Alternatively, press the Back button to stop the exercise recording.
Changing the Displayed Exercise Information
In the Exercise and Calories display, you can change the upper row information to personalize the display by pressing and
holding the button.
Exercise duration
Calories (Cal/kcal)
Time of Day
Time of Day
Calories (Cal/kcal)
Exercise duration
Fitness bullets
Fitness bullets - a bullet
appears for every 10 minutes
in the target heart rate zone
equaling one hour in total if all
the bullets appear.
Switching the Backlight On
Press the Light button and the display is illuminated for a few seconds.
After you have illuminated the display once while exercising night mode symbol appears in the display. The display
automatically illuminates each time you press any button or bring the wrist unit near the Polar logo on the transmitter, until
you stop recording the exercise.
Switching Keylock On or Off
Press and hold the Light button to lock and unlock all the buttons, except the Light button. BUTTONS LOCKED or BUTTONS
UNLOCKED is displayed.
Pausing the Exercise
You can pause your exercise recording while taking a break to drink water or some other activity.
1. Press the Back button. Your current heart rate is displayed. The recording of the exercise is paused.
instead of
2. Select CONTINUE by pressing the
buttons. Press OK to continue recording your exercise.
Changing Settings During Exercise
You can change the settings while recording your exercise or you can pause the exercise recording while modifying your
1. If you want to change the settings without pausing the exercise recording, press and hold OK.
Alternatively, if you want to pause the exercise recording, press the Back button and select SETTINGS with
buttons. Press OK.
2. HR ALARM, HR LIMITS, and HR VIEW are displayed. Press the
buttons to select HR Alarm, HR Limits, or HR View.
Press OK.
HR alarm: Select VOL 2 (loud), VOL 1 (quiet), or alarm OFF with the
HR limits: If you are using Manual exercise and OwnZone or Automatic HR limits, select HARD, MODERATE, LIGHT, or
BASIC with the buttons. Press OK. Your limits are displayed for a few seconds.
buttons. Press OK.
Alternatively, if you are using Manual limits, Program exercise, or body workout, your target heart rate limits are displayed
for a few seconds.
HR view: Select HR (beats per minute) or HR% (percentage of your maximum heart rate) with the
buttons. Press OK.
When you have modified the settings, the wrist unit returns to either Exercise mode or Exercise pause mode.
For further information, see the section Exercise Settings.
Note: The wrist unit shows the exercise or exercise pause mode if you do not press any of the buttons within one minute.
1. Press the Back button. Your current heart rate is displayed. Exercise recording is paused.
is displayed.
2. Select EXIT with the
Summary of your exercise is displayed.
Exercise duration (hh.mm.ss)
buttons and press OK.
Calories burned during the exercise (Cal/kcal)
The maximum (max) and average (avg) heart rate of the exercise
session (bpm/%HRmax) alternate.
3. Press OK to enter the Exercise menu or press and hold the Back button to return to the Time of Day display.
The wrist unit shows the Time of Day display after five minutes if you forget to stop the heart rate measurement after you pause the
exercise recording and remove the transmitter from your chest.
To check how to take care of your transmitter after exercising, see the chapter Care and Maintenance.
In the Exercise Settings menu you can view and select your next exercise session and settings used during exercise.
1. Start from the Time of Day display. Press OK.
2. Exercise is displayed. Press OK.
3. Press the
4. Press the
buttons to select SETTINGS. Press OK.
buttons to select EXERCISE, HR ALARM, or HR VIEW. Press OK.
Note: If you have switched the Keeps U Fit Program and body workout off or you have not created them, HR ALARM, HR LIMITS, and HR VIEW
are displayed. Press the
HR Alarm Setting.
buttons to select HR Alarm, HR Limits, or HR View. Press OK. Skip steps in Selecting Exercise and continue from
Selecting Exercise
Exercises and Program exercise sessions are displayed in the recommended performance order.
Press the
buttons to choose one of the Program exercise sessions, Manual exercise, or body workout. Press OK.
Select the exercise by choosing SELECT or view the exercise session targets by choosing VIEW. Press OK.
If you select Select, the exercise is taken into use and the wrist unit returns to the Exercise menu.
In the View menu you can view the exercise targets with the
If you chose Manual exercise or body workout you can take the exercise into use by selecting SELECT. Alternatively, you can
view the body workout by selecting VIEW. Select HR LIMITS to edit the target heart rate limits of the selected exercise. Press
OK and continue from HR Limits Setting.
HR Alarm Setting
Select VOL 2 (loud), VOL 1 (quiet), or alarm OFF with the
buttons. Press OK.
If you select Vol 2 or Vol 1 the alarm sounds if you are not within your target heart rate zone while exercising.
HR View Setting
Press the
buttons to select HR (beats per minute), or HR% (a percentage of your maximum heart rate). Press OK.
HR Limits Setting
Press the
buttons to select OWNZONE, AUTOMATIC, MANUAL, or OFF. Press OK.
You can edit HR Limits Setting if you have not created the Program, you have switched the Program off, or you have selected Manual
exercise or body workout. You can edit the HR Limits of the Program exercise only by selecting the OwnZone function on or off in
the Program Settings.
In body workout you can only select Manual or OFF.
OWNZONE: The wrist unit determines your individual target heart rate limits automatically in the beginning of the exercise.
For further on how to determine your OwnZone limits, see the section OwnZone.
Press the
buttons to select HARD, MODERATE, LIGHT, or BASIC limits for OwnZone. Press OK.
The wrist unit displays your previously determined OwnZone limits in the selected zone. If you have not performed the
OwnZone, your age-based limits are displayed. These limits are used if your next OwnZone determination fails.
AUTOMATIC: Automatically calculated age-based heart rate limits.
Press the
buttons to select HARD, MODERATE, LIGHT, or BASIC. Press OK. The wrist unit displays the heart rate limits
based on the birth date you have entered.
The Hard intensity zone (80-90% HRmax) is for relatively short exercise at high intensity. Exercising in this zone
causes heavy breathing, muscle tiredness, and fatigue. It increases maximum performance capacity.
Exercising in the Moderate intensity zone (70-80% HRmax) is effective particularly for improving aerobic fitness.
It is recommended for people exercising regularly.
Exercising in the Light intensity zone (60-70% HRmax) is good for improving health and fitness. It also improves
basic endurance and helps you to recover from heavier exercise.
Limits for basic exercise (6ꢀ-8ꢀ% HRmax). This intensity zone is suitable for aerobic intensity exercise.
MANUAL: Instead of determining your target heart rate zone by using OwnZone or Automatic limits, you can determine your
target heart rate limits manually by using the age formula.
The wrist unit displays your previously determined heart rate limits. Alternatively, if you have not determined the manual
limits before your age-based limits are displayed.
If you have selected body workout the wrist unit displays default limits that are ꢀꢀ-90% of your maximum heart rate.
Press the
Press the
buttons to set the upper limit. Press OK.
buttons to set the lower limit. Press OK.
OFF: The function is switched off and there are no target heart rate limits during the exercise session.
Your target heart rate zone is a range between lower and upper heart rate limits expressed as percentages of your maximum
heart rate (HRmax) or as beats per minute (bpm). HRmax is the highest number of heartbeats per minute during maximum
physical exertion. The wrist unit calculates your HRmax according to your age: Maximum heart rate = 220–age. For more
accurate measurement of your HRmax, visit your doctor or exercise physiologist for an exercise stress test.
The table below contains target heart rate zones in beats per minute (bpm) estimated by age in ꢀ-year intervals. Calculate
your own HRmax, write down your own target heart rate zones and select the ones suitable for your exercise.
An average heart rate that stays under
the lower limit (55% HRmax) during the
body workout tells you that you might
have had problems in keeping yourself
focused during the workout or you are
still rather unfamiliar with strength
training. Later on, when you are more
experienced in strength training your
heart rate may temporarily even exceed
the upper limit (90% HRmax). This is due
to shortened rest periods between the
sets, as well as increased weights.
Intensities in
Body Workout
Keeps U Fit - Own Workout Program
Light* Intensity Moderate Intensity Hard Intensity
(220–age) 60-70% of HRmax 70-80% of HRmax 80-90% of HRmax ꢀꢀ-90% HRmax
Having an average heart rate over 55%
HRmax during the body workout tells you
that in addition to increasing muscular
performance, you have also gained
cardiovascular and weight management
benefits from the body workout.
*Polar target heart rate intensity definition is modified from international exercise science authorities’ recommendations in which Light
intensity can reach lower than 60% HRmax
Your Polar fitness heart rate monitor is able to determine your individual exercise heart rate zone automatically. This is called
OwnZone (OZ) and it can be determined during a warm-up period lasting 1-ꢀ minutes by walking, jogging, or in other exercise
modes. The main idea is that you start exercising slowly at a light intensity. You then gradually increase the intensity of your
exercise to raise your heart rate. Using OwnZone makes exercise easier and more enjoyable. You do not have to worry about
calculations or guesswork for your exercise intensity determination.
There are four different exercise intensity zones, which can be selected for the OwnZone function: OwnZone Light, Moderate,
Hard, and Basic. If you are exercising according to your Keeps U Fit - Own Workout Program, you can use OwnZone to adjust
the training zones of your Program exercises. Select the OwnZone function in the Program settings. Alternatively, if you
choose Manual exercise, you can select the OwnZone intensity zone in Exercise Settings. OwnZone cannot be used in the body
The OwnZone method ensures that you get versatile training. OwnZone is based on measuring changes in heart rate
variability during your warm-up for exercise. Heart rate variability reflects changes in your body’s physiology. If your heart
rate variability decreases either too slowly or too fast or if your heart rate exceeds the safety limit during the OwnZone
determination, the wrist unit selects your most recent OwnZone. Alternatively, if there is no previous OwnZone determination
in memory and your OwnZone determination fails; your age-based heart rate zone is used.
OwnZone has been developed for healthy people. Some health conditions may cause heart rate variability based OwnZone
determination to fail, for example high blood pressure, some cardiac arrhythmias, and some medications.
Determining Your OwnZone Heart Rate Limits
Check the following before you start to determine your OwnZone:
• You have set your user information correctly.
• You have switched the OwnZone function on. Each time you start saving exercise information and have the OwnZone
function on, the wrist unit starts finding your OwnZone. For further information, see the section Exercise Settings.
You should always redefine your OwnZone:
• When changing your exercise environment or exercise mode.
• If you feel unusual about the physical state of your body when starting to exercise. For example you are stressed,
not recovered from the previous training or not feeling well.
• After changing your settings.
1. If you start from the Time of Day display, press OK.
2. Exercise is displayed. Press OK.
3. Press the
buttons to select START and press OK. OwnZone appears in the display.
If you want to skip OwnZone determination and use the previously determined OwnZone, press OK and go to a step ꢀ.
4. OwnZone determination starts. Determine your OwnZone in five stages. After each stage you hear a beep (if the sound
settings are on) and the display automatically illuminates (if you have switched the backlight on once before),
indicating the end of the stage.
Walk at a slow pace for 1 min. Keep your heart rate below 100 bpm/ ꢀ0% HRmax during this first stage.
Walk at a normal pace for 1 min. Smoothly increase your heart rate about 10 bpm/ ꢀ% HRmax
Walk at a brisk pace for 1 min. Smoothly increase your heart rate about 10 bpm/ ꢀ% HRmax
Jog at a slow pace for 1 min. Smoothly increase your heart rate about 10 bpm/ ꢀ% HRmax
Jog at brisk pace or run for 1 min.
ꢀ. At some point during the five stages, you hear two beeps. Your OwnZone has been determined.
If the OwnZone determination succeeds, the following information is displayed:
OwnZone Updated
OwnZone heart rate limits as beats per minute (bpm) or as a percentage of
your maximum heart rate (%HRmax) depending on your settings
Your current heart rate
If the OwnZone determination did not succeed, OwnZone Limits and your previously determined
OwnZone limits (bpm/%HRmax), are displayed. If you have not determined your OwnZone before,
your age-base limits are used.
You can now continue with your exercise. Try to stay within the given heart rate zone to maximize
the benefits of the exercise session.
In the Daily File you can view detailed exercise information from your 26 most recent exercise sessions, such as exercise
duration, calories burned, maximum and average heart rate and exercise time in different intensity zones.
When the File becomes full, the oldest File information is replaced by the most recent. If you want to save the exercise data
for a longer period, transfer the File to the polarpersonaltrainer.com web service. For further information, see the chapter
Data Communication.
1. Start from the Time of Day display. Press OK. Exercise is
2. Press the
Press OK.
3. Press the
buttons until File is displayed.
buttons to select DAILY. Press OK.
Note: If Empty is displayed, no exercise information has been
recorded in the File.
The following information is displayed:
Exercise name, if the Program exercise or body workout was selected while exercising.
Alternatively, if the Manual exercise was selected, Exercise is displayed.
Graphic bars indicate the amount of exercise performed. The height of the bar indicates
the exercise duration.
The selected exercise is shown by a cursor
Date of the selected exercise
Select the exercise with the
buttons. Press OK.
Scroll through the following information with the
Exercise name
Time of day the exercise started
Exercise duration (hh.mm.ss)
Calories burned while exercising
Fat percentage of the burned
calories* (not displayed if body
workout was selected while
* An estimate of fat consumption is calculated using total calories
(Cal)/kilocalories (kcal) expended during an exercise session. Fat
percentage can vary between 0% and 60% and is shown with a
percentage accuracy of 5%.
Heart Rate
Maximum (Max) and
average (Avg) heart rate in beats
per minute alternate with the
percentage of maximum heart
rate reading.
Time in Zone (displayed if the
Manual exercise or body workout
was selected while exercising
and HR limits were on)
Heart rate limits
Exercise duration between heart
rate limits
HR zones (displayed if the
Program exercise was selected
while exercising)
Press OK to view information for
the Light, Moderate, and Hard
intensity zones.
Press the Back button to return to the Daily File.
Alternatively, press and hold the Back button to return to
the Time of Day display.
Deleting File
1. In the Duration display, press and hold the Light button
until DELETE FILE? is displayed.
Press the
buttons to move
between intensities.
2. Press the
buttons to select YES or NO. Press OK.
3. If you select Yes, the wrist unit displays ARE YOU SURE?
If you do not want to delete the file, select NO. Select
YES to delete the file. Press OK. Note! After deleting the
file you cannot restore it.
Target exercise duration in the
selected intensity zone
The intensity zone bar is
Exercise duration in the zone
Press Back to return to the HR
zones view.
You can check the automatically saved weekly Diary information in the Weekly File. The Weekly File includes information for
the 26 most recent weeks. When the Weekly File becomes full, the next week’s information replaces the oldest. The Diary is
saved in the Weekly File on Sunday at midnight. At the same time, the current Diary is reset.
1. If you start from the Time of Day display, press OK.
2. Press the
3. Press the
4. Press the
Press OK.
buttons until File is displayed. Press OK.
buttons to select WEEKLY. Press OK
buttons to select EXE.COUNT (exercise count), EXE.TIME (exercise duration), CALORIES, or HR ZONES.
Note: If Empty is displayed, no exercise information has been recorded in the File.
Scroll through the saved information with the
Press Back to return to the Weekly view.
buttons. The black cursor moves according to the week.
Exe.Count (exercise count)
The last day of the selected week
Exe.Time (exercise duration)
The last day of the selected week
Cumulative exercise duration
Cumulative exercise count
In the Totals File you can view your total cumulative
exercise count, duration, and burned calories in several
exercises, starting from the previous reset.
The last day of the selected week
Cumulative exercise calories
1. If you start from the Time of Day display, press OK.
HR Zones
2. Press the
3. Press the
buttons until File is displayed. Press OK.
buttons to select TOTALS. Press OK.
The last day of the selected week
Cumulative exercise duration in
the Moderate intensity zone
Press OK to view the exercise
duration in different intensity
Note: If Empty is displayed no exercise information has been
recorded in the File.
Scroll through the following information with the
Press the
buttons to move
between intensities. Press Back
to return to the HR zones view.
Total Exe.Count (exercise count)
The last reset date of the total
cumulative count.
Total cumulative exercise count,
starting from the previous reset.
Alternatively, press and hold the Back button to return to
the Time of Day display.
Note: When you have recorded 65 535 exercise sessions, the total
cumulative exercise count is automatically reset to zero.
Total Duration
Total Calories
The last reset date of the total
cumulative exercise duration.
Total cumulative exercise
duration for several exercise
sessions, starting from the
previous reset.
The last reset date of the total
cumulative calories (Cal/kcal).
Total cumulative calories burned
during several exercise sessions,
starting from the previous reset.
Note: When you have burned 999 999 Cal/kcal, the total cumulative
calories are automatically reset to zero.
Note: Your total exercise duration is displayed in hours and minutes
until you reach 99 hours and 59 minutes. After this, your cumulative
exercise duration is displayed in hours until 9999 hours is reached
and the total exercise duration is automatically reset to zero.
Resetting Total Counters
If you start from the Time of Day display, repeat steps 1-3.
4. Press the
ꢀ. Press the
buttons to select Reset Total Counters? Press OK.
buttons to select reset ALL (all total counters), EXE.COUNT (total count),
DURATION (total duration), or CALORIES (total Cal/kcal). Press OK.
6. ARE YOU SURE? is displayed. Press the buttons to select YES or NO. Press OK.
Press and hold the Back button to return to the Time of Day display.
This section describes how to compare your target exercise duration, count, calories, and duration in different intensity zones
to the values you have achieved. This way you have reliable information on your progress immediately and you know if you
are reaching your goal as planned.
Diary includes follow-up information for the current calendar week.
Your exercise information is saved in the Diary if the exercise session has lasted at least ten minutes.
HR zones
1. Start from the Time of Day display and press the button.
2. Press the
buttons to move between diaries.
3. Press OK to enter the view. Press the
buttons to scroll through the values.
The body workout targets (exercise duration, calories, and one exercise count) are added to your weekly exercise targets if you have created
also a Keeps U Fit - Own Workout Program. Alternatively, if you have not created the Program, or you have switched the Program off,
only the values you have achieved are displayed in the Diary.
The wrist unit automatically resets the Diary and HR zones views to zero between Sunday and Monday at midnight. At the same time,
the previous Diary week is saved in the Weekly File.
Press Back to return to the Diary view and press the
button to proceed to the HR zones view. Press OK.
Alternatively, press and hold Back to return to the Time of
Day display.
Exe.Count (exercise count)
Weekly target exercise count
The exercise count bar is
HR Zones
The total exercise counts you
have achieved
Your target exercise duration in
the Light intensity zone
The Light intensity zone bar is
The exercise duration in the zone
you have achieved
Exe.Time (exercise duration)
Weekly target exercise duration
The exercise duration bar is
The total exercise duration you
have achieved
Calories (Cal/kcal)
Weekly target exercise calories
The calories bar is highlighted
The total calories burned during
Your target exercise duration in
the Moderate intensity zone
The Moderate intensity zone bar
is highlighted
The exercise duration in the zone
you have achieved
Your target exercise duration in the Hard intensity zone
The Hard intensity zone bar is highlighted
The exercise duration in the zone you have achieved
Press Back to return to the HR zones view. Alternatively, press and hold Back to return to the Time of Day display.
Changing the Default Diary View
When you press Back to return to the Diary or HR zones view, the previously viewed value will be
set as a default value.
Next time you enter the Diary or HR zones view the default value will be displayed.
Default value
Weekly Follow-Up
The weekly follow-up function automatically reviews your progress and reminds you to check the previous week’s exercises.
The reminder appears between Sunday and Monday at midnight.
1. Press the button to open the reminder
2. CHECKING YOUR WEEKLY EXERCISES is displayed. Press OK to check the previous week’s
exercises or press and hold Back to return to the Time of Day display.
Result and the following information is displayed:
Total exercise count of the last week
Total exercise duration
Total calories burned while exercising (Cal/kcal)
Percentage of the weekly target reached (if the Program is set on)
A trophy
alternates with the Result display, if more than 7ꢀ% of the target exercise
calories has been reached and the Program is set on.
3. Return to the Time of Day display by pressing OK.
Note: In the Time of Day display, the trophy remains as an alternative display logo for the next week. You can
change the display logo by pressing and holding the button.
Monthly Follow-Up
The wrist unit automatically reminds you to perform the Fitness Test on the first day of the month, if you have not performed
the Fitness Test for one month.
1. Press the button to open the reminder
2. TEST YOUR OWNINDEX is displayed. Press OK to enter to the Fitness Test menu. If you do not want to perform the Fitness
Test, press and hold the Back button to return to the Time of Day display. For further information on Fitness Test, see the
section Test Your Fitness Level - Get Your OwnIndex.
OwnRelax is the result of a relaxation session, which is an easy and quick way to test how relaxed your body is. The relaxation
session is based on heart rate and heart rate variability measurement.
Heart rate and heart rate variability are sensitive parameters in measuring and evaluating overall relaxation of the body.
The relaxation session should be performed at rest lying down or sitting comfortably. In order to compare the results of
consecutive relaxation sessions, the measurements should be repeated in standardized (the same) conditions.
It is recommended to conduct the relaxation session:
• In the morning in standardized conditions for general relaxation check
• Before exercise to check readiness for the planned workout
• After exercise for recovery
• Whenever you feel the need to check your relaxation
It takes ꢀ minutes to perform the relaxation session.
To get reliable relaxation values, take notice of the following:
• The session can take place anywhere - at home, in the office, in the gym or at a health club - as long as the test
environment is peaceful. There should be no disturbing noises (for example, television, radio or telephone) or people
talking to you. You should not read.
• You should be lying down or sitting, relaxed and calm.
1. Wear the transmitter as described in the section
Measuring Your Heart Rate.
2. Start from the Time of Day display. Press OK. Exercise is
If the wrist unit does not receive your heart rate, Session stopped
is displayed. Check that the transmitter electrodes are wet and
that the strap is snug enough. Restart the relaxation session.
You can stop the relaxation session at any time by pressing the
Back button. Session stopped is displayed for a few seconds.
3. Press the
Press OK.
buttons until Relax is displayed.
When the session is over, an alarm sounds and the following
information is shown in the display:
4. Press the
buttons to select START. Press OK.
Begin to relax is displayed. The wrist unit starts the
session by searching for your heart rate.
Your OwnRelax in milliseconds,
ms (average value of the session)
The bar corresponds to the
milliseconds value
When your heart rate is received, Session starts is displayed
for a few seconds and the following information is displayed:
Your relaxation heart rate as
beats per minute (average value
of the session)
Your current OwnRelax bar
CountDown timer shows the time
left in the session
Your OwnRelax value in milliseconds can vary between 1 and 200 ms.
Range of the bar is 1 to 100 ms. Left end of the bar is 1 ms and
right end is 100 ms or greater.
The more to the right your current OwnRelax bar is, the higher
your heart rate variability is and the more relaxed your are.
In contrast, the more to the left your current OwnRelax bar is,
the smaller your heart rate variability is and thus the less
relaxed your body and mind are.
To interpret your result accurately, please see table of the
OwnRelax and relaxation heart rate values in the following
section. Press OK to view your relaxation trend values and
continue from the section Relaxation Trend on page 70.
Alternatively, press and hold the Back button to return to the
Time of Day display.
The results of your relaxation session are always your personal values and thus comparisons should be done against your
own individual values. Before you can interpret your OwnRelax value, you need to identify your relaxation heart rate level as
a base.
Identify Your Relaxation Heart Rate Level
Relaxation heart rate level can be low or high depending on your personal physiology and training. Generally, the lower the
relaxation heart rate is compared to your normal level, the more relaxed your body is. During relaxation session the heart rate
Generally, the higher the OwnRelax the more relaxed the body is. While the body is relaxing the OwnRelax increases.
Regular exercise and relaxation training, as well as improved mental and physiological recovery, all improve your personal
relaxation. The relaxation session is targeted at healthy, non-medicated adults.
OwnRelax (milliseconds) and relaxation heart rate (beats per minute) values according to age in men and women.
1. Find your relaxation heart rate level from the top
line of the table and choose the corresponding
column, for example, 66-75 bpm.
HR (bpm)
OwnRelax (ms)
2. Find your gender and age from the left column,
for example, men 35-44 years.
3. Compare your OwnRelax value to the OwnRelax
value range, for example, 16-23 ms.
4. If your OwnRelax value is less than the average
range, you are most probably less relaxed. If your
OwnRelax value is higher than the average range,
you are most probably well relaxed.
Relaxation Trend contains your OwnRelax values. In the Relaxation Trend you can view your 47 most recent OwnRelax values.
When the trend view becomes full, the next OwnRelax value replaces the oldest. If you want to save the data for a longer
period, transfer the Relaxation Trend to the polarpersonaltrainer.com web service. For further information, see the chapter
Data Communication.
1. If you start from the Time of Day display. Press OK. Exercise is displayed.
2. Press the
3. Press the
buttons until Relax is displayed. Press OK.
buttons to select TREND. Press OK.
4. The following information is displayed:
Relax (ms)
Date of your most recent OwnRelax value
Graphical trend of your OwnRelax values
Your most recent OwnRelax value
ꢀ. Press OK to see detailed information on your OwnRelax result:
Your OwnRelax in milliseconds, ms (average value of the session)
The bar corresponds to the milliseconds value
Your relaxation heart rate as beats per minute (average value of the session)
6. Press the Back button to return to the trend view.
You can view the other values by pressing the
Press and hold the Back button to return to the Time of Day display, alternatively continue from Deleting OwnRelax value.
Deleting OwnRelax Value
ꢀ. Press and hold the Light button to start deleting the selected value.
6. DELETE VALUE? is displayed. Press the
buttons to select YES or NO.
7. Press OK. The wrist unit returns to the Trend view.
8. Press and hold the Back button to return to the Time of Day display.
Your Polar fitness heart rate monitor offers you the option of transferring data
between your wrist unit, PC and Nokia mobile phone. You can edit and transfer
your wrist unit settings easily from your PC to your wrist unit via the Polar
UpLink Tool™. Moreover, you can design your own logo to personalize your
wrist unit, or select one from the Polar Logo Gallery. For further information on
system requirements, see the chapter Technical Specifications.
The Polar WebLink™ application offers you the option of transferring exercise data from your wrist unit to your personal
training diary on the polarpersonaltrainer.com web service for graphical analysis and long-term follow-up. The
polarpersonaltrainer.com is a complete web service tailored to support your exercising. Free registration gives you access
to a personalized exercise program, diary, tests, and calculators, useful articles, and much more. You can gain access
and start the registration process for the web service at polarpersonaltrainer.com. For further information on system
requirements, see the chapter Technical Specifications.
In the Settings menu, you can view or change the information you have set earlier, such as the time of day and date, or you
can set information, such as heart rate limits, volume, and alarm settings.
Note that there are two ways that the time and date can be presented. Select the presentation mode when setting the 12 h
(date: month, day, year) or 24 h (date: day, month, year) time.
1. Start from the Time of Day display. Press OK. Exercise is
2. Press the
Press OK.
buttons until Settings is displayed.
3. Press the
4. Press the
buttons to select WATCH. Press OK.
buttons to select TIMER, REMIND,
ALARM, TIME, TIME 2, or DATE settings. Press OK to
enter the desired settings.
Press OK
HR Set
You can return to the Time of Day display from any menu by
pressing and holding the Back button.
You can also enter the Watch settings by pressing and holding
the Back button in the Time of Day display.
You can skip the time and date settings and accept them as
they are by pressing and holding the OK button.
Time 2
Timer Setting
You can set the countdown timer to sound an alarm once after a set time.
If you start from the Time of Day display, repeat steps 1-3.
4. Press the
buttons to select TIMER. Press OK.
ꢀ. Set the hours with the
buttons. Press OK.
6. Set the minutes with the
buttons. Press OK. The countdown timer starts running and Timer is displayed.
While the timer is running, you can restart the timer by pressing and holding OK, or you can stop the timer by pressing Back.
You can change the display view by pressing and holding the button. The timer is still running even if it is not on the
Switching the Timer Alarm Off
When Timer blinks in the display and the alarm sounds, press the Back button to stop the alarm. When the alarm is stopped,
the display automatically illuminates and the wrist unit returns to the Time of Day display. If you do not stop the alarm, it
sounds for one minute and the wrist unit returns to the Time of Day display.
The timer alarm will be activated in all menus except the Exercise menu. When the alarm sounds and you are in some of the other menus,
the wrist unit displays the Timer Alarm view.
If the buttons are locked and the alarm sounds, the buttons will function normally.
Reminder Settings
You can set seven different reminders to tell you about important events, or to remind you to exercise at a specific time.
You can edit the reminder text, date, time, alarm, repeat period, and link an exercise session to a reminder.
Adding a Reminder
1. If you start from the Time of Day display, press OK.
2. Press the
3. Press the
4. Press the
buttons until Settings is displayed. Press OK.
buttons to select WATCH. Press OK.
buttons to select REMIND. Press OK.
ꢀ. If you have not set a reminder before only ADD is displayed. Press OK to set the first reminder.
After you have set the first reminder, it is added to the list. Choose the reminder to edit it.
Reminder Date:
6. Press the
7. Press the
8. Press the
buttons to set the month (mm) or day (dd). Press OK.
buttons to set the day (dd) or month (mm). Press OK.
buttons to set the year (yy). Press OK.
Reminder Time:
9. If you are using 12 hours mode: select AM or PM with the
buttons. Press OK.
10. Press the
11. Press the
buttons to set hours. Press OK.
buttons to set minutes. Press OK.
12. Press the
buttons to select a reminder alarm. Depending on your selection, the reminder alarm is activated 1 DAY,
1 HOUR, 30 MIN, or 10 MIN before or at the reminder time (ON TIME). Press OK.
13. Press the
buttons to select a repetition time. The reminder will be activated at the same time YEARLY, MONTHLY,
WEEKLY, DAILY, or HOURLY or you can set the reminder to activate only ONCE or turn the reminder OFF. Press OK.
Note: If you switch the reminder off, you can activate it later by selecting the repetition time.
14. Press the
buttons to select an exercise to be linked to the reminder, or NONE if you do not want to link the
reminder to an exercise session. Press OK.
Note: If you have not created a Program, you cannot link an exercise session to the reminder, only NONE is available.
Reminder Text Editing:
You can rename reminders with eight letters. The available digits are: 0-9, space, A-Z, a-z,
- % / ( ) * + . : ?
• The adjustable letter is underlined and blinking. Press the
• Press OK to accept the selected letter.
buttons to change the letter.
• Press Back to move a letter you have previously set.
• Press and hold OK to skip editing the rest of the letters.
• After editing the last letter, press OK. The wrist unit returns to the Reminder Selection menu.
Continue Viewing and Editing reminders, or return to the Time of Day display by pressing and holding Back.
Viewing and Editing Reminders
1. If you start from the Time of Day display, press OK.
2. Press the
3. Press the
4. Press the
buttons until Settings is displayed. Press OK.
buttons to select WATCH. Press OK.
buttons to select REMIND. Press OK.
ꢀ. Select the desired reminder with the
buttons. Press OK.
The following information is displayed:
Reminder text
Reminder time
Reminder date
Exercise name
(if an exercise session has
been linked to the reminder)
Reminder alarm
6. Press OK to edit the reminder.
Alternatively, press Back to return to the Reminder Selection menu.
Alternatively, view the other reminders by pressing and holding the
7. Press the
buttons to select EXERCISE, TIME, ALARM, DATE, REPEAT, or TEXT for editing, or choose DELETE to delete
the reminder. Press OK.
8. Edit the selected value as instructed in the section Adding a Reminder.
Alternatively, if you select Delete, the wrist unit displays DELETE REMINDER? Press the
Press OK. Note! After you delete the reminder, you cannot restore it.
buttons to select YES or NO.
Switching the Reminder Alarm Off
When SNOOZE? and the reminder information is displayed and the alarm sounds, press the Light button to stop the alarm
sound. Reminder text stays in the display. Press the Back button to exit the reminder view. When you exit the reminder view,
the display automatically illuminates and the wrist unit returns to the Time of Day display. Press the OK button to snooze the
alarm for 10 minutes and to start the countdown timer. If you do not stop the alarm, it sounds for one minute and the wrist
unit returns to the Time of Day display. You can change the display view by pressing and holding the button.
The reminder alarm will be activated in all menus except the Exercise menu. When the alarm goes on and you are in some of the other
menus, the wrist unit displays the Reminder Alarm view.
Only one reminder alarm can sound at time, if two or more reminders have the same alarm date and time, the first set reminder sounds.
If the buttons are locked and the alarm sounds, the buttons will function normally.
Alarm Setting
1. If you start from the Time of Day display, press OK.
2. Press the
3. Press the
4. Press the
ꢀ. Press the
buttons until Settings is displayed. Press OK.
buttons to select WATCH. Press OK.
buttons to select ALARM. Press OK.
buttons to select alarm DAILY, MON-FRI, or OFF. Press OK.
If you select off, press OK and continue from following setting.
If you are using 12 hours mode: select AM or PM with the
buttons. Press OK.
6. Set the hours with the
7. Set the minutes with the
buttons. Press OK.
buttons. Press OK.
Switching the Alarm Off
When SNOOZE? is displayed, the alarm sounds and backlight blinks, press the Back button to stop the alarm. When the
alarm is stopped, the display automatically illuminates and the wrist unit returns to the Time of Day display. Press OK, or
buttons to snooze the alarm for 10 minutes and to start the countdown timer. If you do not stop the alarm,
it sounds for one minute and the wrist unit returns to the Time of Day display.
The alarm will be activated in all menus except the Exercise menu. When the alarm sounds and you are in some of the other menus,
the wrist unit displays the Alarm view.
If the buttons are locked and the alarm sounds, the buttons will function normally.
Time Setting
If you start from the Time of Day display, repeat steps 1-3.
4. Press the
ꢀ. Press the
buttons to select TIME. Press OK.
buttons to select 12 H or 24 H time mode. Press OK.
If you chose 12 h mode, select AM or PM with the
buttons. Press OK.
6. Set the hours with the
7. Set the minutes with the
buttons. Press OK.
buttons. Press OK.
Time 2 Setting
If you start from the Time of Day display, repeat steps 1-3.
4. Press the
ꢀ. Press the
buttons to select TIME2. Press OK.
buttons to set the time difference (hh.mm). The time changes in 30 minutes steps. Press OK.
Note: In the Time of Day display you can change the time zone by pressing and holding the button.
Date Setting
If you start from the Time of Day display, repeat steps 1-3.
4. Press the
ꢀ. Press the
6. Press the
7. Press the
buttons to select DATE. Press OK.
buttons to select the month (mm) or day (dd). Press OK.
buttons to select the day (dd) or month (mm). Press OK.
buttons to select the year (yy). Press OK.
Press and hold the Back button to return to the Time of Day display.
HR Alarm Volume Setting
Press the buttons to select VOL 2 (loud), VOL 1
(quiet), or alarm OFF. Press OK.
In the HR (Heart Rate) Set menu, you can edit the settings
used during exercise sessions, alarm setting and view
HR View Setting
Press the
buttons to select HR (beats per minute), or
HR% (a percentage of you maximum heart rate). Press OK.
Press and hold the Back button to return to the Time of Day
HR Set
Press OK
1. Start from the Time of Day display. Press OK. Exercise is
2. Press the
Press OK.
buttons until Settings is displayed.
3. Press the
4. Press the
Press OK.
buttons to select HR SET. Press OK.
buttons to select HR ALARM or HR VIEW.
In the User Settings menu, you can edit your personal data, weight, height, birthday, gender, activity level, and extra user
1. Start from the Time of Day display. Press OK. Exercise is
2. Press the
Press OK.
buttons until Settings is displayed.
3. Press the
buttons to select USER. Press OK.
4. Weight: Adjust the weight with the
Press OK.
ꢀ. Height: Adjust the height with the
Press OK.
HR Set
Press OK
6. Birthday: Adjust the month (mm) or day (dd) with
buttons. Press OK.
Note: You can skip the date of birth date setting and accept it as it
Weight Height
is by pressing and holding OK.
7. Adjust the day (dd) or month (mm) with the
8. Adjust the year (yy) with the buttons. Press OK.
9. Sex: Select MALE or FEMALE with the buttons. Press OK.
10. Activity: Select your long-term physical activity level TOP, HIGH, MODERATE, or LOW with the
buttons. Press OK.
buttons. Press OK.
The activity level is an assessment of your level of physical activity. Select the alternative that best describes the overall
amount and intensity of your physical activity in the past three months.
Activity Level
You participate regularly in heavy physical exercise at least ꢀ times a week. For example,
you exercise to improve performance for competitive purposes.
You participate regularly, at least 3 times a week, in heavy physical exercise. For example, you run
6-12 miles/10-20 km per week or participate in 3-4 gym classes or aerobic exercise classes weekly,
or you spend 2-3 hours per week in comparable physical activity.
You participate regularly in recreational sports. For example, you run 3-6 miles/ꢀ-10 km per week or
you participate in 1-2 gym classes or aerobic exercise classes weekly, or you spend 1/2-2 hours per
week in comparable physical activity or your work requires modest physical activity.
You do not participate regularly in programmed recreational sport or heavy physical activity.
For example, you walk only for pleasure or occasionally exercise sufficiently to cause heavy breathing
or perspiration.
11. View Extra User Settings: It is recommended that you change the following settings (HRmax, VO2max) only if you know
your laboratory-measured value. Press OK to enter Extra User Settings. Alternatively, press and hold the Back button
to return to the Time of Day display.
12. Maximum heart rate value (HRmax): Press the
buttons to set your maximum heart rate. Press OK.
HRmax is the highest number of heartbeats per minute (bpm) during maximum physical exertion. The most accurate way of
determining your individual HRmax is to perform a maximal exercise stress test in a laboratory. HRmax is a useful tool for
determining the intensity of exercise. HRmax is used in the estimation of energy expenditure.
13. Heart rate value in a sitting position (HRsit): Press the
buttons to set your heart rate value in a sitting position.
Press OK.
HRsit should be your typical heart rate when you are not doing any physical activity (while sitting). HRsit is used in the
estimation of energy expenditure. To easily determine your HRsit, sit down and put on your wrist unit and transmitter. Start
the measurement to show your heart rate value on the display. Look at your wrist unit after 2 to 3 minutes. This is your HRsit.
To more precisely calculate your HRsit, wear your Polar heart rate monitor for one normal day. Occasionally when you sit
and do not engage in any physical activity for 2-3 minutes, write down your heart rate value. In the evening, calculate the
average value.
14. Maximal oxygen uptake value (VO2max, ml/kg/min): Press the
buttons to set your maximal oxygen uptake value.
Press OK.
VO2max is the maximum capacity for oxygen consumption by your body during maximum exertion. This is also known as
aerobic power or maximal oxygen intake/consumption. VO2max is a commonly used determinant of aerobic (cardiovascular)
fitness. The most accurate way of determining your individual VO2max is to perform a maximal exercise stress test in a
laboratory. Aerobic fitness relates to how well your cardiovascular system works to transport and utilize oxygen in your body.
VO2max is used in the estimation of energy expenditure.
VO2max is used in Program creation. If you do not know this value, you can determine a comparable value, your OwnIndex, by performing
the Polar Fitness Test. For further information, see the section Test Your Fitness Level - Get Your OwnIndex.
If you have accidentally changed the Extra User Settings, you can return to the default settings by pressing and holding the Light button.
RESTORE DEFAULT is displayed. Press the
buttons to select YES or NO. Press OK.
1. Volume for Sounds
Press the buttons to select VOL 2 (loud), VOL 1 (quiet),
or sounds OFF. Press OK.
In the General Settings menu, you can edit general settings
for the wrist unit. The general settings include volume,
keylock, units, and language settings.
If you change the Vol 2 or Vol 1 setting, the following wrist
unit tones are not affected: HR alarm, watch, timer, and
reminder alarms.
If you select sounds off, the button and activity sounds are
switched off. The alarm sounds can be switched on or off in
the Watch Settings. The heart rate zone alarms can also be
switched on or off in the Exercise Settings and during your
exercise session.
HR Set
Press OK
2. Button Lock Setting ( Keylock)
Button lock can be activated in the Time of Day display and
during exercise recording.
If you start from the Time of Day display, repeat steps 1-4.
1. Start from the Time of Day display. Press OK. Exercise is
Press the
Press OK.
buttons to select MANUAL or AUTOMATIC.
2. Press the
Press OK.
buttons until Settings is displayed.
3. Press the
4. Press the
buttons to select GENERAL. Press OK.
buttons to select SOUND, KEYLOCK,
UNITS, or LANGUAGE settings. Press OK.
4. Language Settings
If you start from the Time of Day display, repeat steps 1-4.
Automatic The wrist unit automatically locks all the
buttons, except the Light button, if you do not
press any button within one minute. You can
switch the button lock off by pressing and
holding the Light button until BUTTONS
UNLOCKED is displayed.
Press the
buttons to select language. Press OK.
ARE YOU SURE? is displayed. Press the
select YES or NO. Press OK.
buttons to
Press and hold the Back button to return to the Time of Day
You can switch the button lock on or off by
pressing and holding the Light button until
is displayed or disappears.
Note: If you have accidentally changed the language and you do not
know how to return to your language. Reset the wrist unit by pressing
all the buttons except the Light button at the same time until the
display is filled with digits. Press OK. START WITH BASIC SETTINGS
is displayed. Press the Back button and select the language by
3. Units Settings
If you start from the Time of Day display, repeat steps 1-4.
Press the
buttons to select KG/CM or LB/FT. Press OK.
pressing the
buttons. Continue from Basic Settings. If you
have already set the Basic Settings once, you can skip them after
setting the date by pressing and holding the Back button.
Your Polar heart rate monitor is a high-tech instrument and should
be treated with care. The suggestions below will help you fulfill the
guarantee obligations.
Wrist Unit Battery
The estimated average battery life of the wrist unit is one and half
year in normal use. Please note that excessive use of the backlight
and the alarm signals drain the battery more rapidly. The symbol
indicates low battery and that the battery should be replaced.
Do not open the wrist unit yourself. To ensure the water resistance
properties and the use of qualified components, the wrist unit
battery should be replaced by an authorized Polar Service Center
only. At the same time, a full periodic check of the Polar heart rate
monitor will be done.
Store your heart rate monitor in a cool and dry place. Do not store it
in a damp environment, in non-breathable material (i.e. plastic bag)
or with conductive material such as a wet towel.
During the two-year guarantee/warranty period we recommend that
you have service done by an authorized Polar Service Center only.
The warranty does not cover damage or consequential damage
caused by service not authorized by Polar Electro.
If the symbol is displayed and you have switched the alarm on,
the alarm will still activate one more time. After that the alarm
symbol disappears. If you try to reset the alarm, the wrist
unit displays Battery Low. You cannot reset the alarm until the
battery is changed.
Taking Care of Your Heart Rate Monitor
Keep your unit clean. Clean it with a mild soap and water
solution. Dry it carefully with a soft towel. Never use alcohol or
any abrasive material such as steel wool or cleaning chemicals.
Keep your heart rate monitor out of extreme cold and heat.
The operating temperatures are 14 °F to 122 °F/ -10 °C to ꢀ0 °C.
Do not expose the heart rate monitor to direct sunlight for
extended periods, such as by leaving it in a car.
In cold conditions the low battery indicator may appear,
but the indicator is deactivated when you return to a normal
Water resistance cannot be guaranteed after unauthorized
Taking Care of Your WearLink Transmitter
Detach the transmitter connector from the strap and rinse the
strap under running water after every use. Dry the connector with
a soft towel. Never use alcohol or any abrasive material (steel, wool
or cleaning chemicals).
Wash the strap regularly in a washing machine at 40ºC/104ºF or
at lest after every fifth use. This ensures reliable measurement and
maximizes the life span of the transmitter. Use a washing pouch.
Do not soak, spin-dry, iron, dry clean or bleach the strap. Do not use
detergent with bleach or fabric softener. Never put the transmitter
connector in the washing machine or drier!
4. Place the negative (-) side of the battery against the bottom and
the positive (+) side against the cover.
ꢀ. Put the cover on so that the arrow points to the OPEN position.
Make sure that the cover’s sealing ring is placed correctly in its
6. Gently press the cover deep enough so that its exterior surface is
on the same level as the connector’s surface.
7. Turn the cover with the coin clockwise so that the arrow on the
cover turns from OPEN to CLOSE. Make sure that the cover is
closed properly!
Dry and store the strap and connector separately. Wash the strap
in a washing machine before long-term storage, and always after
use in pool water with high chlorine content. Keep the transmitter
in a cool and dry place. Do not store wet in non-breathing material,
such as a sports bag. Sweat and moisture keep the electrodes wet
and activated. Do not expose to direct sunlight for extended periods.
In order to ensure the maximum life span of the connector’s
battery cover, open it only when you need to change the battery.
We recommend that you change the sealing ring of the battery
cover every time you change the battery. You can get the sealing
ring/battery kits from well-equipped Polar retailers and
authorized Polar Services. In the USA and Canada: Additional
sealing rings are available from an authorized Polar Service
Center only.
WearLink Transmitter Battery
The estimated average battery lifespan of the transmitter is 2 years
(usage: 1h/day, 7 days/week). If your transmitter stops working,
it might be due to the battery running out.
To change the battery, you need a coin, sealing ring and battery
(CR 202ꢀ).
1. Open the battery cover of the
connector by turning it counter
clockwise with a coin from the
CLOSE position to the OPEN
Keep the batteries away from children. If swallowed, contact a
doctor immediately.
Batteries should be disposed of properly according to local
2. Remove the battery cover, lift the
battery and replace it with a
new battery.
3. Remove the sealing ring of the
battery cover and replace it with
a new ring.
When in non-coded mode
the wrist unit picks up transmitter
signals within 3 feet/1 meter. Simultaneous non-coded signals from
more than one transmitter can cause an incorrect readout.
Electromagnetic Interference
Disturbances may occur near high voltage power lines, traffic lights,
overhead lines of electric railways, electric bus lines or trams,
televisions, car motors, bike computers, some motor driven exercise
equipment, cellular phones, or when you walk through electric
security gates.
Using the Polar Heart Rate Monitor in a Water Environment
Your Polar heart rate monitor is water resistant and can be used
when swimming. The fitness heart rate monitor is not, however, a
diving instrument. To maintain the water resistance, do not press
the buttons of the wrist unit under water.
Exercise Equipment
Several pieces of exercise equipment with electronic or electrical
components such as LED displays, motors, and electrical brakes
may cause interfering stray signals. To try to tackle these problems,
relocate the wrist unit as follows:
1. Remove the transmitter from your chest and use the exercise
equipment as you would normally.
2. Move the wrist unit around until you find an area in which it
displays no stray reading or does not flash the heart symbol.
Interference is often worst right in front of the display panel of
the equipment, while the left or right side of the display is
relatively free of disturbance.
3. Put the transmitter back on your chest and keep the wrist unit in
this interference-free area as far as it is possible.
4. If the Polar heart rate monitor still does not work with the
exercise equipment, this piece of equipment may be electrically
too noisy for wireless heart rate measurement.
Users measuring their heart rate in water may experience
interference for the following reasons:
Pool water with a high chlorine content and seawater are very
conductive. The electrodes of a transmitter may short-circuit,
which prevents ECG signals from being detected by the
Jumping into water or strenuous muscle movement during
competitive swimming may cause water resistance that shifts
the transmitter on the body to a location where it is not possible
to pick up ECG signals.
The ECG signal strength depends on the individual and also
varies depending on an individual’s tissue composition.
The percentage of people who have problems in heart rate
measuring is considerably higher in water than in other use.
Notice to individuals with pacemakers, defibrillators or other
implanted electronic devices. Individuals who have a pacemaker
use the Polar fitness heart rate monitor at their own risk. Before
starting use, we always recommend a maximal exercise stress test
under a doctor’s supervision. The test is to ensure the safety and
reliability of the simultaneous use of the pacemaker and the Polar
fitness heart rate monitor.
Exercise may include some risk. Before beginning a regular
exercise program, it is recommended that you answer the following
questions concerning your health status. If you answer yes to any
of these questions, we recommend that you consult a doctor before
starting any training program.
If you are allergic to any substance that comes into contact with
your skin or if you suspect an allergic reaction due to using the
product, check the listed materials on Technical Specifications
chapter. To avoid any skin reaction to the transmitter, wear it over a
shirt. However, moisten the shirt well under the electrodes to ensure
flawless operation.
Have you been physically inactive for the past ꢀ years?
Do you have high blood pressure or high blood cholesterol?
Do you have symptoms of any disease?
Are you taking any blood pressure or heart medication?
Do you have a history of breathing problems?
Are you recovering from a serious illness or medical treatment?
Do you use a pacemaker or another implanted electronic device?
Do you smoke?
The combined impact of moisture and intense abrasion may cause a
black color to come off the transmitter’s surface, which might stain
light-colored clothes especially.
Are you pregnant?
Note that in addition to exercise intensity, medications for heart,
blood pressure, psychological conditions, asthma, breathing etc.
as well as some energy drinks, alcohol and nicotine may affect your
heart rate.
It is important to be sensitive to your body’s responses during
exercise. If you feel unexpected pain or excessive fatigue when
exercising, it is recommended that you stop the exercise or continue
at a lighter intensity.
What should I do if...
...I don’t know where I am in the menu?
Press and hold the Back button until the time of day is displayed.
...there is no heart rate reading (00 / - -)?
1. Check that the electrodes of the transmitter are moistened and that you are wearing it as instructed.
2. Check that you have kept the transmitter clean.
3. Check that there are no sources of electromagnetic radiation in close vicinity to the Polar wrist unit, such as TV sets, cellular phones,
CRT monitors etc.
4. Cardiac arrhythmia may cause irregular readings or a cardiac event may have altered your ECG waveform. In these cases, consult your
...heart symbol flashes irregularly?
1. Check that your wrist unit is inside the transmission range and not further that 3 feet/1 meter from the Polar transmitter you are wearing.
2. Check that the elastic strap has not become loose during exercise.
3. Make sure that the electrodes of the transmitter are moistened.
4. Make sure that there is no other heart rate transmitter within the reception range (3 feet/1 meter).
ꢀ. Cardiac arrhythmia may cause irregular readings. In this case, consult your physician.
...the heart rate reading becomes erratic or extremely high?
Strong electromagnetic signals can cause erratic readings. So move away from possible sources of disturbance such as high-voltage power
lines, traffic lights, overhead lines of electric railways or trams, car motors, bike computers, some motor-driven exercise equipment (like
fitness testers) or cellular phones.
If moving away does not help and the heart rate reading remains erratic, slow down your speed and check your pulse manually. If you feel it
corresponds to the high reading on the display, you may be experiencing cardiac arrhythmia. Most cases of arrhythmia are not serious, but
consult your doctor nevertheless.
...the display is blank?
The Polar heart rate monitor is in battery saving mode when it is dispatched from the factory. To activate it, press any of the buttons twice.
WELCOME TO POLAR FITNESS WORLD is displayed. See the section Basic Settings.
...the display is fading?
Usually the first sign of an expired battery is the fading of the digits when using the backlight or the low battery indicator . Have the
batteries checked.
...the wrist unit battery needs to be changed?
We recommend that all service should be done by an authorized Polar Service Center. The 2-year International Guarantee does not cover
damage or consequential damage caused by service not authorized by Polar Electro. The Polar Service Center will test your wrist unit for water
resistance after battery replacement and makes a full periodic check of your complete Polar heart rate monitor.
...someone else starts using my wrist unit?
Each time the user changes, the new user should enter her or his user information settings first and then create a new Program. Changing the
user information or creating a new Program does not delete the saved data from the Daily, Weekly, and Totals Files.
...the buttons do not react?
Reset the wrist unit. Resetting clears the date and time settings.
Press all buttons except the Light button at the same time until the display is filled with digits. Press OK.
For further information, see the section Basic Settings. If you have already set the Basic Settings once, you
can skip them after setting the date by pressing and holding the Back button. If you do not press any button
after you reset the wrist unit, within one minute the wrist unit goes to the Time of Day display.
If this does not work, have the batteries checked.
...the Updated OwnZone limits vary a lot?
Heart rate variability reacts sensitively to all changes taking place in your body and environment. The OwnZone heart rate limits are affected
by, amongst other things, your state of fitness, the time of day of the OwnZone determination, the type of exercise and your state of mind.
The lower limit of the OwnZone can vary for the same person by ꢀ-10 beats but as much as 30 beats is possible. However it is important
that the exercise carried out in the OwnZone feels light or moderate. For example, if you raise your heart rate too rapidly after the first stage,
you may receive OwnZone heart rate limits that are too high. If the OwnZone limits seem to be too high, we recommend that the OwnZone
determination be repeated.
Your Polar fitness heart rate monitor is designed to
help users to achieve their personal fitness goals
indicate the level of physiological strain and intensity during an exercise session
No other use is intended or implied.
Water resistance of Polar products is tested according to International Standard ISO 2281. Products are divided into three different categories
according to their water resistance. Check the back of your Polar product for the water resistance category and compare it to the chart below.
Please note that these definitions do not necessarily apply to products of other manufacturers.
Marking on the
case back
Wash splashes, sweat, Bathing and
SCUBA diving
Water resistant
Skin diving with
snorkel (no air tanks)
raindrops etc.
(with air tanks) characteristics
raindrops etc.
Water resistant
Minimum for bathing
and swimming*
Water resistant ꢀ0m
Water resistant 100m
For frequent use in water
but no SCUBA diving
*These characteristics also apply to Polar WearLink Transmitter having Water resistant 30m marking on them.
Battery type:
Battery life:
Heart rate limits
Total time
Total calories
Total exercise count
CR 2032
Average 1.ꢀ years
(1 h/day, 7 days/week exercise)
23 h ꢀ9 min ꢀ9 s
30 - 199 bpm
0 - 9999 h ꢀ9 min ꢀ9 s
0 - 999999 kcal
6ꢀ ꢀ3ꢀ
Operating temperature: 14 °F to 122 °F/ -10 °C to +ꢀ0 °C
Wrist strap material:
Back cover and
1921 - 2020
wrist strap buckle:
Stainless steel complying with
the EU Directive 94/27/EU and
amendment 1999/C 20ꢀ/0ꢀ on
the release of nickel from products
intended to come into direct and
prolonged contact with the skin.
better than 0.ꢀ seconds/day
at 77 °F/ 2ꢀ °C temperature.
1 - 200 ms
Polar WebLink using IrDa communication
Watch accuracy:
Windows® 98/98SE/ME/2000/XP/Vista
IrDA compatible port (an external IrDA device or
an internal IR port)
Accuracy of heart rate
1% or 1 bpm, whichever larger,
definition applies to steady state
Polar UpLink Tool
Windows® 98/98SE/ME/2000/XP/Vista
Sound card
Dynamic loudspeakers or headphones
Battery type:
CR 202ꢀ
Battery life:
Battery sealing ring:
Average 2 years (1 h/day, 7 days/week)
O-ring 20.0 x 1.0 Material FPM
Operating temperature: 14 °F to 122 °F/ -10 °C to +ꢀ0 °C
Connector material: Polyamide
Elastic strap material: 3ꢀ % Polyester, 3ꢀ % Polyamide,
30 % Polyurethane
This limited Polar international guarantee is issued by Polar Electro Inc. for the consumers who have purchased this product in the USA or
Canada. This limited Polar international guarantee is issued by Polar Electro Oy for the consumers who have purchased this product in
other countries.
Polar Electro Inc. / Polar Electro Oy guarantees to the original consumer/purchaser of this product that the product will be free from defects
in material or workmanship for two years from the date of purchase.
Please keep the receipt or Polar Customer Service Card, which is your proof of purchase!
The guarantee does not cover battery, damage due to misuse, abuse, accidents or non-compliance with the precautions;
improper maintenance, commercial use, cracked or broken cases and elastic strap.
The guarantee does not cover any damage/s, losses, costs or expenses, direct, indirect or incidental, consequential or special, arising out of,
or related to the product. During the guarantee period the product will be either repaired or replaced at an authorized service center free of
This guarantee does not affect the consumer’s statutory rights under applicable national or state laws in force, or the consumer’s rights
against the dealer arising from their sales/purchase contract.
This CE marking shows compliance of this product with Directive 93/42/EEC.
This crossed out wheeled bin marking shows that Polar products are electronic devices and are in the scope of Directive 2002/96/EC of
the European Parliament and of the Council on waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE). These products should thus be disposed
of separately in EU countries. The products have been put on the market after 13 August 200ꢀ. Polar encourages you to minimize possible
effects of waste on the environment and human health also outside the European Union by following local waste disposal regulations
and, where possible, utilize separate collection of electronic devices.
Copyright © 2007 Polar Electro Oy, FIN-90440 KEMPELE, Finland.
Polar Electro Oy is a ISO 9001:2000 certified company.
All rights reserved. No part of this manual may be used or reproduced in any form or by any means without prior written permission of Polar
Electro Oy.
The names and logos marked with a ™ symbol in this user manual or in the package of this product are trademarks of Polar Electro Oy.
The names and logos marked with a ® symbol in this user manual or in the package of this product are registered trademarks of Polar Electro Oy,
except that Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
The material in this manual is for informational purposes only. The products it describes are subject to change without prior notice,
due to the manufacturer’s continuous development program.
Polar Electro Inc. / Polar Electro Oy makes no representations or warranties with respect to this manual or with respect to the products
described herein.
Polar Electro Inc. / Polar Electro Oy shall not be liable for any damages, losses, costs or expenses, direct, indirect or incidental,
consequential or special, arising out of, or related to the use of this material or the products described herein.
This product is protected by one or several of the following patents:
FIꢀꢀ293, FI88223, USꢀ491474, DE421ꢀꢀ49, GB22ꢀ7ꢀ23B, HK113/1996, SG9ꢀ91671-4, FI110303, WO96/20640, EP 074818ꢀ, US6104947,
FI1004ꢀ2, WO96/20641, EP 0804120, USꢀ840039, FI114202, US 6ꢀ37227.
Other patents pending.
Manufactured by:
Polar Electro Oy
Professorintie ꢀ
Tel +3ꢀ8 8 ꢀ202 100
Fax +3ꢀ8 8 ꢀ202 300
12h/24h time mode................................................................. 11, 80
Alarm setting ........................................................................... 79
Backlight ............................................................................. 9, 4ꢀ
Basic settings............................................................................... 11
Battery replacement...................................................................... 88
Buttons ........................................................................................... 9
Care and maintenance.................................................................. 88
Data communication..................................................................... 72
Date settings................................................................................. 80
Diary.............................................................................................. 61
Daily file........................................................................................ ꢀꢀ
Disclaimer..................................................................................... 97
Exercise settings........................................................................... 48
File................................................................................................ ꢀꢀ
Fitness classes.............................................................................. 20
Fitness test trend.......................................................................... 19
Fitness test ................................................................................... 1ꢀ
Fitness bullets............................................................................... 44
Frequently asked questions........................................................... 92
Functions during the exercise........................................................ 40
General settings............................................................................ 86
Guarantee ..................................................................................... 96
Follow-up Your Achievements........................................................ ꢀꢀ
OwnIndex....................................................................................... 1ꢀ
OwnRelax ...................................................................................... 66
OwnZone ....................................................................................... ꢀ2
Pause an exercise
................................................................... 4ꢀ
Precautions................................................................................... 90
Program creation........................................................................... 21
Program editing ............................................................................ 24
Program settings........................................................................... 30
Program update ............................................................................ 32
Program viewing ........................................................................... 24
Reminders..................................................................................... 7ꢀ
Reset the wrist unit....................................................................... 93
Resetting totals file....................................................................... 60
Return to the time of day display .................................................... 9
Settings......................................................................................... 73
Starting exercise recording
..................................................... 39
Stop an exercise............................................................................ 47
Technical specifications................................................................ 94
Time 2 setting ............................................................................... 80
Time of day setting........................................................................ 80
Timer setting................................................................................. 74
Totals file....................................................................................... ꢀ9
Transmitter.............................................................................. 13, 88
Units setting ................................................................................. 87
User settings................................................................................. 82
Volume setting.............................................................................. 86
Watch settings.............................................................................. 73
Weekly and monthly follow-up ................................................. 64
Weekly file ..................................................................................... ꢀ8
Heart rate
............................................................................... 13
Heart touch function ....................................................................... 9
Heart rate settings........................................................................ 81
Heart rate zones.......................................................................49-ꢀ1
HRmax ............................................................................................ 84
Keylock ................................................................................... 9, 86
Language settings ........................................................................ 87
Low battery indication ................................................................ 88
Moon phase indicator.................................................................... 10
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