Owner’s manual
Overview diagrams................................................................................... 2
Selecting a track....................................................................................... 8
Changing MP3 options..............................................................................10
Getting started
Overview diagrams
These diagrams show the function of controls, the connectors on the rear panel, the remote control and screen icons.
Front panel
Six shortcut buttons
Provide quick access to radio presets,
CD/MP3 controls and menu options
LCD screen
Backlit LCD screen with
variable contrast and brightness
Infrared receiver
Receives signal
from remote control
CD eject button
Opens and closes the CD tray
CD tray
For audio and MP3 CDs
3.5 mm
Volume/Tuning Menu
Switches between
on and standby
Enters ReVu Switches
mode for DAB between
pause and
Turn for volume,
push and turn to
select stations,
tracks and
Change audio Switches
and general between
setup options CD/DAB/FM/
(mutes speakers)
menu options
Rear panel
F-type connector
Optical Out
Digital output of Stereo input from
Aux Input
Variable Output
Stereo out to recorder,
for DAB/FM aerial DAB, CD or MP3 cassette/minidisc etc. powered sub or other device
Speaker Connectors
Spring loaded connectors
Connect red socket to red on speaker
and black socket to black on speaker
Type B
for software
Power Socket
Power lead socket
Cooling fan cover
Remove cover (pull off)
to inspect/clean
filter periodically.
Manufactured in China 12B52
Remote control
Switches between
on and standby
Switches between
Number keys
Press Save and number to store a preset.
Press number to recall.
Press -/-- first for double digit presets.
Press to quickly access CD or MP3 tracks
Toggles between
display modes
Change audio and
general setup options
Select and
Select stations/tracks
and menu options
Adjust volume, move slider controls
and move left and right in menus
Mutes output
from speakers
Enters ReVu mode
for DAB pause and
CD controls
Also used for FM
tuning and ReVu
Opens and closes
the CD tray
FM screen
DAB screen
mode (FM)
Loudness Clock
Loudness on Time from
Volume from
speakers muted
Alarm Clock
Alarm set Time from
Signal strength
Shows signal strength
DAB signal
DAB signal for current DAB station
mode (DAB)
0 9 : 4 1
0 9 : 4 0
BBC Radio 1
RDS name or
Today's Best Mix for Herts
Beds and Bucks - 97.6
Chiltern FM
J o W h i l e y Ch a n g i n g
T r a c k s - g o o n l i n e t o
n o m i n a t e t h e t u n e s
CD screen
mode (CD)
Playlist Shuffle
Random track
order selected
Repeat all
0 9 : 4 0
tracks selected
T r a c k 1
Fast forward
Skip back
Skip forward
Elapsed track time
Connecting speakers
Nominal impedn
Maximum power rating 30W
Nominal impdane
Maximum power rating 30W
Manufactured in China
Part number 12A67
Manufactured in China
Part number 12A67
When connecting speakers connect the red (positive) terminals on Legato to
the red terminals on the speaker and black (negative) to black. The speaker
cable has a stripe on one strand to aid connection.
Ensure that the bared ends of the wires are securely gripped by the spring
clips. Note that the sound from new speakers should improve over the course
of a few days as they are ‘run-in’.
You can also connect an active subwoofer to the Variable out sockets on your
Legato for enhanced bass. See page 14 for more details.
Switch on and off
D AB Au t o t u n e M e n u
When you first plug your Legato in it switches to DAB mode and asks you if
you want to perform a UK (UK Band III only) or Full autotune (full Band III)
to find all DAB stations available in your area. These stations are stored in a
station list and ordered alphanumerically.
e l e c t D AB r e g i o n :
F u l l
Initial startup screen
The first station on the station list is selected.
Au t o t u n e U K
To switch your unit off (standby) - press the Power button on the unit or
remote control. You see the standby symbol and clock on the screen. Push
the Display button to change between a small clock, large clock and day/date
time display in standby.
c a n n i n g ...
t a t i o n s f o u n d : 2 1
To switch your Legato back on press the Power button again. Your unit starts
in whatever mode you were in when you switched off.
Autotune UK
Changing the volume
The Volume/Tuning dial operates as a volume control by default except when
you are in a menu or browsing the station or track lists. When you adjust the
volume you temporarily see the volume scale on screen indicating the current
level. You can also use the volume buttons on the remote control to adjust
the volume.
V o l u m e
Adjusting volume
Navigating menus
You turn the Tuning dial to scroll through menu options or station or track lists
and push to select options. In most menus if you do not select anything you
return to the previous screen. Alternatively use the equivalent remote control
buttons. You can also press a shortcut button to select the option shown on
screen next to that button.
Listening to DAB radio
To listen to DAB radio push the Mode button until you see DAB in the top left of the
0 9 : 4 0
BBC Radio 1
When you first switch on your Legato it automatically enters DAB mode, autotunes to
find all the DAB stations available in your area and lists them in alphanumeric order.
J o W h i l e y ' s Ch a n g i n g
T r a c k s g o o n l i n e t o
n o m i n a t e t h e t u n e s
Default DAB screen
Selecting a station
To change stations, push the Tuning dial and turn to scroll through the station
list, then push the Tuning dial again to tune to the highlighted station.
BBC Radio 1
BBC London
t a t i o n L i s t
The currently selected station is shown in the box at the top of the screen.
BBC Radio 1
BBC Radio 2
Changing the information displayed
Selecting a station
Legato has five DAB display modes which change what you see on screen
while you listen to DAB radio. Push the Display button to switch between the
0 9 : 4 0
BBC Radio 1
Dynamic text broadcast by most stations.
1 2 B 2 2 5 .6 4 8 M H z
Reception info DAB channel and frequency of the station you are listening
to, signal strength meter and signal quality reading. As a
guide, values from 85 to 100 indicate good reception, 70 to
84 average reception and 0 to 69 poor reception.
i g n a l
u a l i t y 9 6 %
Display modes - Reception info
0 9 : 4 0
BBC Radio 1
Broadcast info Name of the multiplex the current station belongs to.
Multiplexes are groups of stations broadcast by a single
operator. Description of the content broadcast by the
station, Stereo or Mono indicator and data rate at which the
station is being transmitted. This rate is set by the stations
to suit the type of material being transmitted. High rates
generally mean higher quality.
BBC N a t i o n a l D AB
P o p M u s i c
1 2 8 k b p s
t e r e o
Display modes - Broadcast info
0 9 : 4 0
BBC Radio 1
2 2 / 0 7 / 0 4
DAB presets for quick access to your favourite stations using
the six shortcut buttons.
Date and time Date and time broadcast by the multiplex.
Display modes - Date and time
ReVu™ - Pausing and rewinding radio
ReVu mode lets you pause and rewind live DAB digital radio.
Legato constantly stores audio and text from the station you are tuned to in
its memory. The amount stored depends on how long you have been listening
to that station and the data rate of the broadcast. You can access this stored
audio and pause or rewind live radio over short periods (approximately 20 to
40 minutes depending on data rate).
Once the memory is full, ReVu keeps adding to the memory but starts to
overwrite the oldest stored audio and text.
You can enter ReVu mode in two ways which you select as follows:
0 9 : 4 0
Paused - press and release the ReVu button or pause button on the remote
P a u s e d
Fast forward/rewind - press and hold the ReVu button for three seconds or
press the fast forward/rewind or skip forward/back buttons on the remote
ReVu mode - paused
When you enter ReVu mode you see the ReVu icon on the screen and a timer
shows how many minutes and seconds behind the live broadcast you are.
0 9 : 4 0
BBC R a d i o
Once in ReVu mode you can toggle between paused and playing by pushing
the ReVu button again or pressing the pause/play ( / ) button. To exit
ReVu mode and return to the live broadcast press the stop ( ) or skip
forward (
) button to catch up with the live broadcast but remain in ReVu
ReVu mode - playing
To pause and replay live radio
Push the ReVu button. The screen shows Paused and the timer shows how far
behind the live broadcast you are.
Push the ReVu button again to start replaying the stored audio and text
from where you left off. The timer stops counting, showing that you are now
listening that many minutes and seconds behind real time. You can listen in
this way for as long as you like, or press the fast forward, skip forward or stop
shortcut button to catch up to real time.
To rewind radio
Press the ReVu button twice. Use the Rewind ( ) button to move back in
the recorded audio or the skip back (
) button to return to the start.
Storing and recalling presets
0 9 : 4 0
BBC Radio 1
You can store up to 99 of your favourite stations as presets which you can
then access quickly using the shortcut buttons or remote control. You can
store and access presets while listening to radio but not if in ReVu mode.
1 X t r a
BBCAs i a n
BBCW o r l d
P r e s e t s 0 1 - 0 4
Push any shortcut button or set the Display mode to show the presets as
described on page 5. This shows the first page of presets on the screen.
Presets 1 to 4
Flick through the other pages of presets using the left (
shortcut buttons or skip buttons on the remote.
)and right (
To store a preset - Hold down the shortcut button you want to store the
current station under until the station name appears or press the Save button
and numbered buttons on the remote. The preset is stored.
To recall a preset - Push the shortcut button next to the preset you want to
listen to or press the number buttons on the remote
D AB M e n u
Changing DAB options
To customise the way your Legato works in DAB mode push the Menu button,
select DAB and choose from the following:
Autotune UK
Manual tune
Autotune full
Station order
Autotune UK
DAB options
Scans all UK frequencies for DAB stations and adds any new ones to the
station list.
Autotune full
Scans the full range of digital frequencies in Band III. This option is for use
outside the UK where other Band III stations may be available.
Station order
Change the order of stations on your station list using this option. The current
order is shown at the top of the screen. Choose from the following:
Alphanumeric Displays all stations in alphanumeric order.
Displays your eight most listened to stations at the top of the
station list and the others below. Your favourite stations are
selected by how long you listen to each station and indicated
by a heart next to the name in the station list.
Displays active stations at the top of the station list and
inactive ones at the bottom, in alphanumeric order. Inactive
stations are those on your station list but not currently
available, marked with a ’?’.
Lists stations in groups according to their multiplex.
Multiplexes are groups of stations owned and broadcast by a
multiplex operator.
Trim stn list
Removes inactive stations from the station list.
Favs presets Available only when Favourite station order (above) has been
selected. Transfers your eight favourite stations to presets.
Manual tune
0 9 : 4 0
Find new stations or fine tune your reception using this option.
1 2 A 2 2 3 . 9 3 M H z
1 2 B 2 2 5 . 6 4 M H z
1 2 C 2 2 7 . 3 6 M H z
Manual tune
You see a list of channels and frequencies. Each multiplex has a different
channel and frequency (E.g., BBC is channel 12B and Digital One is 11D),
contact the DRDB (Digital Radio Development Bureau) by phone on 08707
1. Select the channel you want from the list.
You see a signal strength display. The marker indicates the minimum
required level for reception and the filled blocks indicate the current
2. Move your aerial and try to raise the current level to the marker or
beyond. You see the multiplex name at the top of the screen if a good
signal is received and the stations in that multiplex are listed below and
added to the station list.
Make the quieter sounds in a broadcast easier to hear at low volume or in
a noisy environment using this option. The DRC (Dynamic Range Control)
level of a broadcast is set by the station and sent with the signal. At the time
of writing only stations such as BBC Radio 3 and 4 regularly broadcast a
DRC level. Check with the broadcasters to find out if they use DRC on their
Select one of the following options:
DRC OFF DRC is switched off. Any DRC level broadcast is ignored. This is
the default setting.
DRC HALF DRC level is set to half that sent with the broadcast.
DRC FULL Applies the DRC level as sent with the broadcast.
Playing a CD
To listen to a CD push the Mode button until you see CD in the top left of the screen.
0 9 : 4 0
T r a c k
Push the eject button ( ) and place your CD label side up in the CD tray. Push the
eject button again to load the CD. Legato checks the CD type and loads a track list. If
you insert a CD with MP3 files on it Legato enters MP3 mode, see page 10.
If you close the CD tray by pushing the tray or pressing play the CD automatically
starts playing. You see the standard CD controls, track title and time into track on the
CD mode
Selecting a track
CD T r a c k L i s t
T o t a l T r a c k s : 1 5
To change tracks on a CD, either:
push the Tuning dial and turn to scroll through the track list, then push
the Tuning dial again to play the track
Track 1 03:58
Track 2 04:31
Selecting a track
use the skip forward or skip back shortcut buttons on screen or remote
select a track number using the numbered buttons on the remote
0 9 : 4 0
T r a c k
Changing the information displayed
To change what you see on screen while you listen to a CD push the Display
button. Choose from the following options:
CD time into track
Track elapsed
Time the current track has been playing, or if stopped total
time and number of tracks on the CD.
0 9 : 4 0
T r a c k
O r b i t a l
Y o u L o t
Track remaining Time remaining of the current track.
Disc remaining Time remaining of current CD.
CD text
Displays album name, track information, artist, etc., if
included on the CD.
CD text
Date and time
Obtained from the DAB signal.
CD M e n u
Play [ ALL]
et playlist
Changing CD options
Shuffle [OFF]
Repeat [OFF]
To customise the way Legato works in CD mode push the Menu button, select
CD and choose from the following:
CD options
Choose whether to play all tracks on the CD [ALL] or just those on a playlist
you have created [LIST]. See Set playlist below for details of creating a CD
playlist. If you select LIST you see the playlist icon ( ).
Choose whether to play CD tracks in the order they appear on the disc [OFF]
or in a random order [ON]. If you select ON you see the shuffle icon (
Choose to repeat the current track [TRACK] when it ends or the whole disc
[ALL]. This loops continuously until you set it to [OFF]. If you select TRACK
you see the repeat track icon (
icon ( ).
), if you select ALL you see the repeat all
Set playlist
Create a playlist containing the order in which to play up to 20 tracks from
the current CD.
To create a playlist:
1. Turn the Tuning dial and push to set the first track on your playlist.
2. Repeat until you have completed your playlist and push the bottom right
shortcut button (OK) to set your playlist and exit. This automatically sets
the Play mode to [LIST].
You see the playlist icon ( ).
Alternatively press the left middle shortcut button (Clear) to delete the
current playlist order or bottom left shortcut button (Cancel) to exit the
screen without saving any changes made
Your playlist is now set and if you play your CD it plays the tracks you
specified in the order you specified.
The playlist remains available for as long as the CD inserted. If you eject the
CD or change CDs the playlist you created is no longer available.
Playing an MP3 CD
Push the Mode button until you see CD in the top left of the screen to listen to a CD
with MP3 files stored on it. Legato automatically detects if a CD has MP3 files on it
and changes to MP3 mode.
0 9 : 4 0
F i r e s t a r t e r
MP3 files can be in folders on the CD if desired and MP3 playlist files are also
supported. MP3 playlist files are simple text files (usually with a .M3U extension)
specifying an order in which to play a selection of MP3 files on the CD.
MP3 mode
The following icons on the track list help you identify tracks, folders and playlist files:
MP3 files
Open folder
Playlist file
Closed folder
Push the eject button and place your MP3 CD label side up in the CD tray. Push the
eject button again to load the CD. Legato checks the CD type, changes the mode to
MP3 and displays the normal CD controls.
If you close the CD tray by pushing the tray or pressing play the CD automatically
starts playing. You see the standard CD controls, track title and time into track on the
M P 3 T r a c k L i s t
Selecting a track, playlist or folder
To change tracks on an MP3 CD, either:
Rock tracks
Blues tracks
push the Tuning dial and turn to scroll through the track list, then push
the Tuning dial again to play the track or playlist or open a folder
MP3 track list
use the skip forward or skip back shortcut buttons on screen or remote
select a track number using the numbered buttons on the remote
Changing the information displayed
0 9 : 4 0
L a y l a
To change what you see on screen while you listen to an MP3 push the
Display button. Choose from the following options:
A r t i s t : E r i c C l a p t o n
A l b u m : B e s t o f E r i c
Time into track Time the current track has been playing
MP3 ID3 text
ID3 text
Displays ID3 text – album name, track information artist
etc., if included with file
Date and time
Obtained from the DAB signal
Changing MP3 options
M P 3
e t u p M e n u
To customise the way Legato works in MP3 CD mode push the Menu button,
select MP3 and choose from the following:
Shuffle [OFF]
Repeat [OFF]
MP3 options
Choose whether to play MP3 tracks in the order they appear on the disc,
current selected folder or playlist [OFF], or in random order [ON]. If you select
ON you see the shuffle icon (
Choose to repeat the current track [TRACK] when it ends or the whole disc,
currently selected folder or playlist [ALL]. This loops continuously until you set
it to [OFF]. If you select TRACK you see the repeat track icon (
select ALL you see the repeat all icon ( ).
), if you
Listening to FM radio
To listen to FM radio push the Mode button until you see FM in the top left of the
screen. The first time you enter FM mode Legato asks you to select the FM tuning
mode you want. Use the shortcut buttons or Tuning dial to select one of the following:
1 1 : 4 0
Today's Best Mix for Herts
Beds and Bucks - 97.6
Chiltern FM
Finds all the stations available in your area and lists them in
alphanumerical order using RDS (Radio Data System) station
names where available.
FM mode
Manual Tune Lets you tune manually either in steps of 0.05 MHz or using a
t a t i o n L i s t
seek to find the next station.
C h i l t e r n
B B C R 2
C h i l t e r n
H e a r t F M
Selecting a station
You select a station in different ways depending on which tuning mode you
have chosen:
FM station list
To change stations, push the Tuning dial and turn to scroll
through the station list, then push the Tuning dial again to
tune to the highlighted station or use the shortcut buttons on
Manual Tune To change stations, push the Tuning dial and turn right or left
to step up or down the frequency range or use the shortcut
buttons on screen to step
or scan
to the next
If you scan, the scan stops when the next station is found.
The frequency display changes to show the RDS station name
if available.
Changing the information displayed
1 1 : 4 0
To change what you see on screen while you listen to FM radio push the
Display button. Choose between the following options:
C h i l t e r n
P o p M u s i c
9 7 .6 0
Dynamic text broadcast by some RDS stations.
Broadcast info Description of the content broadcast by the station and its
FM - Broadcast info
frequency. RDS stations only.
FM presets for quick access to your favourite stations using
the six shortcut buttons.
Date and time Date and time obtained from the DAB signal.
0 9 : 4 0
Storing and recalling presets
Radio 1
You can store up to 99 of your favourite stations as presets which you can
then access quickly using the shortcut buttons or remote control.
P r e s e t s 0 1 - 0 4
Push any shortcut button or set the Display mode to show the presets as
described above. This shows the first page of presets on the screen. Flick
FM - Presets
through the other pages of presets using the left (
shortcut buttons or skip buttons on the remote.
)and right (
To store a preset - Hold down the shortcut button you want to store the
current station under until the station name or frequency appears or press the
Save button and numbered buttons on the remote. The preset is stored.
To recall a preset - Push the shortcut button next to the preset you want to
listen to or press the number buttons on the remote
Changing FM options
F M M e n u
To customise the way your Legato works in FM mode push the Menu button,
select FM and choose from the following:
S t a t i o n o r d e r
Au t o t u n e
FM Setup options
Push the Tuning dial to choose between [BYNAME] which shows stations
in a station list (similar to the DAB station list) using RDS station names or
[MANUAL] to manually step through the FM frequencies in steps of 0.05 MHz
or scan to next station.
Station order
Change the order of stations on your FM station list using this option. The
current order is highlighted on screen. Choose from the following:
Alphanumeric Displays named stations at the top of the station list and
others below in numerical order
Named stations Displays stations with an RDS name only
Performs a scan to find all the stations available in your area and lists them
in alphanumeric order using RDS station names where available.
Listening to another source
To listen to an audio source such as MiniDisc player attached to the Aux inputs on
your Legato push the Mode button until you see AUX in the top left of the screen.
Au x i l i a r y I n p u t
0 2 / 0 8 / 0 4
1 1 3 9
AUX mode
Manufactured in China 12B52
General setup options
Push the Menu button to access general setup options, available at all times,
whether listening to radio or a CD. Choose one of the following options:
Au d i o M e n u
T o n e
L o u d n e s s [ O F F ]
Ba la n ce
Turn the Tuning dial to set the Bass output level. Press the Tuning dial again to
set the Treble level.
u b w o o f e r [ N O ]
Audio options
Push the Tuning dial to toggle Loudness [ON] or [OFF]. When Loudness is on
you see the Loudness icon on screen ( ).
Push the Tuning dial to specify if you have an active subwoofer connected to
your Variable output [YES] or not [NO]. If you specify YES, Variable output will
mute if headphones are inserted.
Contact PURE for details of the SUB-1 active subwoofer.
c r e e n Co n t r o l s
B r i g h t n e s s
Turn the Tuning dial to adjust the audio balance between left and right .
C o n t r a s t
Active screen settings
Active settings
A l a r m
Turn the Tuning dial to set the screen brightness. Press the Tuning dial again
to set the contrast.
h h
m m
Standby settings
Turn the Tuning dial to select the standby screen brightness level.
M o d e [ D AB]
A l a r m [ O f f ]
Alarm settings
0 9 : 4 0
BBC Radio 1
To set an alarm to wake you up:
J o W h i l e y ' s Ch a n g i n g
T r a c k s g o o n l i n e t o
n o m i n a t e t h e t u n e s
Turn the Tuning dial or use the +/- shortcut buttons to set an alarm time,
Mode [DAB/FM/Tone] and set the Alarm [On]. Radio alarms tune to the
station you were tuned to last in that mode. When the alarm is set you see
the Alarm icon ( ) on the screen. The alarm icon flashes when the alarm
goes off.
Alarm set icon
To cancel the alarm and leave the unit switched on press the Tuning dial or
press the Power button to cancel the alarm and switch off.
Sleep timer
l e e p T i m e r
To set a sleep timer to switch off your unit:
Turn the Tuning dial or use the +/- shortcut keys to set a time after which you
want your Legato to switch off. Choose between 15, 30, 45, 60, 1hr 15 and
1hr 30 minutes. To switch a sleep timer off use the Clear shortcut button or
set the time to zero.
C l e a r
Sleep timer settings
S/W version
Displays the current software version installed on your Legato and gives
access to the Software Upgrade option.
Register your product and include an e-mail address to receive notification of
u p g r a d e
E x i t
S/W version screen
To upgrade your software, press the Software Upgrade shortcut button and
follow the instructions on screen.
Hints and tips
(>>/<<) DAB Secondary services
Secondary services accompany some stations, providing extra information or alternative
content and may only be broadcast at certain times. At the time of writing not many
secondary services are available. If a station has secondary services available, the station
shows ‘>>’ next to its name in the station list and the secondary service appears next to the
station in the list. A secondary service has a ‘<<’ before its name in the station list.
(?) Inactive or unavailable DAB stations
Inactive or unavailable stations are those which appear on the station list but are not
currently available because either you are outside the broadcast area, have lost reception or
the station is not currently broadcasting. Unavailable stations have a ‘?’ before their name
on the station list. If you select a station which has this symbol, Legato returns to the last
station you were listening to.
I hear a ‘burbling’ sound on some DAB stations
Although DAB is excellent at providing quality audio from very little signal, the quality can
suffer if the signal strength is too low. If that happens, a ‘burbling’ sound can sometimes
be heard. To help reduce this, check that your aerial is fully extended and upright. If the
problem persists try moving your radio or repositioning your aerial using manual tuning.
Screen says ‘No stations available’ in DAB mode
Check that your aerial is fully extended. Use Autotune to search for stations. Use manual
tuning to adjust your aerial or radio position.
Clock shows the wrong time
This may happen if the DAB multiplex you are tuned to broadcasts an incorrect time signal,
try tuning to a station in another multiplex.
Resetting your unit
Resetting your Legato removes all presets, stored stations and favourite station settings and
resets all options to defaults. To reset:
1. Press and hold the Menu button for three seconds. The screen shows ‘Do you want to
2. Push the ‘Yes’ shortcut button or use the +/- or
and select button on the remote to
confirm the reset or press no buttons to cancel the reset.
My speakers don’t sound good
Make sure that the red (positive) terminal on the speakers is connected to the red terminal
on Legato and black (negative) to black .
Ensure the connections are secure and bared ends of the cables are contacting the metal of
the terminals.
Note that from new, the sound from your speakers should improve over the course of a few
days as they are ‘run-in’.
My screen is too bright in standby
To set the brightness of your screen in standby press the Menu button, select Display and
choose Standby settings to alter the brightness.
Alarm bell icon has a cross through it
This happens if you set an alarm but no DAB time has been acquired yet. Check that your
aerial is connected, return to DAB or standby and wait for a short period and the normal icon
should appear indicating that the time has been acquired.
Screen says ‘DAB time not available’
This happens in CD/MP3/FM/AUX mode if DAB time has been acquired yet. Check that your
aerial is connected, switch to DAB mode or standby, wait for a short period and the time
should appear.
Technical specifications
22W RMS per channel power output (into 4 Ohms)
15 Hz to 35 kHz frequency response
Dynamic Virtual Sub Technology™ provides a variable bass boost relative to
Bass and treble tone control
CD player
CD-R and CD-RW playback compatible
Support for CD Text and 20 track audio CD playlist
Multiple playback modes (repeat, shuffle, etc.)
MP3 playback, including support for ID3 tags and M3U playlists
PURE ReVu™ enables pause and rewind of live DAB digital radio
Full Band III (174 - 240 MHz) reception. Fully compliant with ETS 300 401
and capable of decoding all DAB transmission modes 1-4
Fast autotune feature
DPAC II™ provides a more natural sound from DAB transmissions
Supports RDS and RadioText
Tune by RDS station name
87.5 - 108 MHz frequency range
Speakers (optional)
6 Ohms (nominal) impedance
30W RMS power handling
Twin 3” custom designed full range drive units
Neodymium magnets
Phase correction plugs
Bass reflex ported
3.5 mm headphone output
RF F-connector 75 Ohms for DAB aerial connection
Dual phono for external line level audio input
Dual phono for stereo analogue audio output or connection to a subwoofer
Optical Toslink connector for digital S/PDIF output (IEC958 @ 48 kHz)
USB connector for future software upgrades
Stereo spring-clip terminals for speakers
Fully featured remote control
Compliant with the EMC and Low Voltage Directives (89/336/EEC and 73/
Main unit dimensions (excluding controls) 210 (w) x 155 (h) x 215 mm (d)
Speaker dimensions 105 (w) x 215 (h) x 215 mm (d) (where included)
2 x 3m speaker cable supplied
UK and Euro Mains cables supplied
Bootlace aerial supplied
Telephone support hotline and internet website
Two year warranty
PURE Digital, Imagination Technologies Ltd., Home Park Estate, Kings Langley, Herts, WD4 8LZ, UK
+44 (0) 1923 277477 support
+44 (0) 1923 277488 sales
+44 (0) 1923 270188
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